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Monster Hunter Rise

Demo now available for the Sunbreak massive expansion DLC!
Online interactivity, Fantasy themes and violence, In-game purchases
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The hunt continues in a far-off land…

The massive expansion MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak is available now!



You can download the MONSTER HUNTER RISE demo via this gamepage or from Nintendo eShop on your Nintendo Switch console.


Rise to the challenge and join the hunt!

Go on a hunt wherever you want, whenever you want in MONSTER HUNTER RISE for Nintendo Switch! Freely explore sweeping landscapes inspired by ancient Japan, slay ferocious wild monsters solo or co-operatively with friends, and forge powerful weapons and armour from your spoils in this sprawling action RPG.

Kamura needs you!

The sighting of a terrifying monster of legend signals the return of a catastrophic event, which threatens to bring chaos to Kamura Village. With the aid of the village elder and the local residents, you must sharpen your hunting skills and save this peaceful settlement from an onslaught of monsters.

Let's meet some of the locals who'll be aiding your mission!


New ways to hunt!

From the Wirebug that allows players to zip through the air and wreak havoc by taking control of monsters to the invaluable support offered by new buddies like the Palamutes, MONSTER HUNTER RISE is brimming with new ways to explore and hunt your quarry.


Here they come!

From ferocious new foes like the fearsome Magnamalo to fan favourites like the Tigrex and Mizutsune, a bevy of huge beasts await those brave enough to take up arms against them. Here are just a few of the behemoths that'll you'll encounter in the wild.

These powerful creatures will make quick work of ill-prepared hunters, so study their attack patterns and behaviours to determine the best time to strike...or run! Spot another monster lurking nearby? Try to lure it into the fray to help turn the tide!

The greater the threat, the better equipped you'll need to be to face it. Craft new weapons and armour from your spoils and parts carved from the monsters you've vanquished. Be sure to keep your inventory well-stocked with healing items, traps and other hunting essentials!

A call to arms

Gigantic blades, sharp lances, hefty hammers, ranged bowguns and more – you're sure to find several favourites among the arsenal of 14 unique weapons on offer.

Each weapon handles differently and comes with its own unique strengths for those willing to put the time in to master them. Experiment with each one and find the right weapons to suit your hunting style.

The last line of defence


To protect Kamura Village from invading monsters, the villagers have built a sturdy stronghold. On certain quests, you'll be asked to hold the fort by laying traps and setting up turrets while under siege from a relentless horde of frenzied monsters. It won't be easy, but the rewards for defending the stronghold are sure to be worth it.

Strength in numbers


Every hunter knows that nothing beats the thrill of teaming up to topple titans – and on Nintendo Switch, it's even easier to form a hunting party!

Whether your allies are nearby or faraway, up to four players can join forces locally or online to undertake quests, fell monsters together and enjoy a share of the spoils. Between hunts, regroup in Kamura Village to plan your next excursion, drop by the smithy to upgrade your weapons and armour, or enjoy a hearty meal at the Tea Shop.


A massive expansion –
is available now!

MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak is a massive paid expansion for MONSTER HUNTER RISE, featuring new monsters, hunting locales, hunting actions and challenging Master Rank quests.

Please note: content from MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak can be accessed after players have completed the 7★ Hub Quest: Serpent Goddess of Thunder in MONSTER HUNTER RISE.

The hunt continues in a far-off land...


As the hunter who saved Kamura from the Calamity, you must now journey to the Kingdom, a land beset by a sinister new nemesis—the elder dragon Malzeno! Can you rise to the challenge?

Challenging new monsters await!

In addition to Malzeno, Garangolm and Lunagron, the trio of monsters that comprise “The Three Lords”, new subspecies and returning foes from across the MONSTER HUNTER series await those brave enough to take on Sunbreak's Master Rank quests!

Set off to brand new hunting locales!


The Citadel

This diverse hunting ground features forest, frozen icescapes and the abandoned ruins of an old castle.

The more the merrier!

Your abilities as a hunter will increase to take on the new challenges in Sunbreak, including new Silkbind attacks for all weapon types and new and improved Wirebug actions.


To increase your tactical options, you can swap between two different move sets on the fly, using the new ‘Switch Skill Swap' feature. There's also an evasive manoeuvre called the ‘Swap Evade' that allows you to dodge a monster's attack while you're swapping out Switch Skills.

Use these new hunting actions to your advantage to dish out some creative combos!


Compatible with amiibo


You can use these amiibo (sold separately) in MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak to unlock special layered armor sets and participate in the daily lottery, gaining a variety of useful items.


How to buy


You can purchase MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak from our website, on Nintendo eShop or My Nintendo Store.*

Please note: content from MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak can be accessed after players have completed the 7★ Hub Quest: Serpent Goddess of Thunder in MONSTER HUNTER RISE.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak DLC


Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe Edition

Enjoy a bundle of great additional content together with the massive expansion Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak in this Deluxe Edition!

Contains the Sunbreak expansion and the following DLC:

  • "Dragonsbane" hunter layered armor set
  • "C Hound" Palamute layered armor set
  • "F Devout" Palico layered armor set
  • "Take Aim" gesture set (4 gestures)
  • Fight Pose Set (3 poses)
  • "Elegant Eyes" makeup
  • Fluffy Curls hairstyle

Monster Hunter Rise + Sunbreak

Includes the base game Monster Hunter Rise and the massive DLC expansion Sunbreak.

*A copy of MONSTER HUNTER RISE for Nintendo Switch is required to play MONSTER HUNTER RISE: Sunbreak. Free software update required. Broadband internet connection required to download software updates. The registration and linkage of Nintendo Account and acceptance of the Nintendo Account Agreement and Privacy Policy are required. Find out more about how to update games on Nintendo Switch.

Note: If you purchase this content while the game is open, you must restart the game in order to access the content.

Whether you're a fresh-faced hunter or a hardened slayer of beasts, there are plenty of new features that are sure to change the way you hunt!


High-flying action

They might look small, but Wirebugs are super crafty critters! Hunters can use its mighty silk to catapult yourself through the air, scale terrain with ease, dodge incoming hits and unleash powerful Silkbind attacks.


Take control of monsters!

The Wirebug's super-strong silk can even be used to bind wild monsters, giving you an opportunity to control them briefly in battle – try ramming them into walls or use them to take on other threats such as other monsters!


Lending a paw


Buddies are a hunter's best friends – and not just because they're adorable! Canine companions called Palamutes will let you ride on their backs, allowing you to cover great distances quickly without consuming stamina and use items while on the move. They'll also fight alongside you in battle.


If you're a cat person, then look no further than the Palico! These friendly felines support hunters by keeping them in tip-top shape, boosting their stats and healing allies in need. They'll also gather nearby items while you're busy tracking prey.


Two buddies can accompany you on solo quests, whereas you'll have to choose just one to join you in multiplayer hunts. And most importantly, yes, you can pet them!


Become one with nature

From ancient ruins to snow-covered mountains – your quests will take you to bountiful biomes teeming with flora and fauna. Take time to seek out birds, bugs and other endemic life in each region for some useful boons, such as the healing properties of the Vigourwasp or the Cottonfly which ups your hunter's defence.


Up to speed!

If you're a returning hunter from past Monster Hunter games, there have been a few useful changes that'll make your hunting life much easier. Here's just a few of them:

  • You can now seamlessly explore hunting grounds without experiencing load times between zones.
  • When attacking monsters, you'll now be able to see how much damage your attacks are inflicting.
  • Certain items and resources can be picked up while running past them and consumed while on the move. No more stopping to chug a potion in a pinch!
  • Useful tools like pickaxes, bug nets and whetstones are now a part of every hunter's loadout, meaning they no longer break or need to be restocked.
  • Cohoots aren't just adorable owl companions – they'll help you on quests by showing you the positions of monsters on your map.

Up to speed!

If you're a returning hunter from past Monster Hunter games, there have been a few useful improvements that'll make your hunting life much easier. Here are just a few of them:


  • You can now seamlessly explore hunting grounds without experiencing load times between zones.
  • When attacking monsters, you'll now be able to see how much damage your attacks are inflicting.
  • Certain items and resources can be picked up while running past them and consumed while on the move. No more stopping to chug a potion in a pinch!
  • Useful tools like pickaxes, bug nets and whetstones are now a part of every hunter's loadout, meaning they no longer break or need to be restocked.
  • Cohoots aren't just adorable owl companions – they'll help you on quests by showing you the positions of monsters on your map.



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DLC Packs

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe Edition

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe Edition

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Enjoy a bundle of great additional content together with the massive expansion Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak in this Deluxe Edition! Contains the Sunbreak expansion and the following DLC: • "Dragonsbane" hunter layered armor set • "C Hound" Palamute layered armor set • "F Devout" Palico layered armor set • "Take Aim" gesture set (4 gestures) • Fight Pose Set (3 poses) • "Elegant Eyes" makeup • "Fluffy Curls" hairstyle Support for Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese will be added via update scheduled for release on 30/6/2022. Note: If you purchase this content while the game is open, you must restart the game in order to access the content.
Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 5

Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 5

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This additional content includes: - "Relunea Glasses" Hunter layered armor piece - "Relunea Jacket" Hunter layered armor piece - "Relunea Bottoms" Hunter layered armor piece - "F Academic" Palico layered armor set - "C Academic" Palamute layered armor set - "Graceful Dance" gesture set - Chase pose set - "Wild Pompadour" hairstyle - "Braided" hairstyle - "Fierce Eyes" face paint - "Pawprint" face paint - "Special Stickers 9" sticker set Note: The products included in this set can also be purchased separately. Please be careful of duplicate purchases. How to use this content: After purchase, speak to the Courier in the game and select Add-on Content to receive the content. Usage varies depending on the type of content, as listed below. - Layered Armor can be used in the Layered Armor Settings menu of the Item Box (Hunter armor) or Buddy Board (Palico and Palamute armor). Please note that layered armor is a "skin" which changes the appearance of the character without affecting their stats and abilities. - Face paint and hairstyles can be applied by selecting Change Appearance in the Item Box or when creating a character. - Gestures and stickers can be used from the Chat Menu, where you can also enter text into sticker speech bubbles. - Pose Sets can be used from the Start Menu or from the Camera option in the Pause Menu.
Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 3

Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 3

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This monstrously large bundle contains a variety of fun add-on content: - Hunter content: 4 x Layered Armor pieces, 2 x facepaints, 2 x hairstyles, 2 x voices - Buddy content: 1 x Palico Layered Armor piece, 1 x Palamute Layered Armor pieces - Other content: 2 Cohoot outfits, 2 music track sets, 2 pose sets, additional stickers After purchasing, speak to the Courier and select Add-on Content to receive the content. Details of where to access the content can be found on each item's page.
Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 4

Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 4

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This monstrously large bundle contains a variety of fun add-on content: - Hunter content: 4 x Layered Armor pieces, 2 x facepaints, 1 x hairstyle, 2 x voices - Buddy content: 1 x Palico Layered Armor piece, 1 x Palamute Layered Armor piece - Other content: 2 Cohoot outfits, 1 music track set, 1 gesture set, 1 sticker set After purchasing, speak to the Courier and select Add-on Content to receive the content. Details of where to access the content can be found on each item's page.
Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 2

Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 2

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This monstrously large bundle contains a variety of fun add-on content: - Hunter content: 3 x Layered Armor pieces, 2 x facepaints, 2 x hairstyles, 2 x voices - Buddy content: 4 x Palico Layered Armor pieces, 4 x Palamute Layered Armor pieces - Other content: 2 Cohoot outfits, 8 music tracks, a set of 4 gestures, additional stickers After purchasing, speak to the Courier and select Add-on Content to receive the content. Details of where to access the content can be found on each item's page.
Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 1

Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 1

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Contains the following content. Hunter layered armor pieces: ● Fox Mask ● Theater Wig ● Wyverian Earrings Buddy layered amor sets: ● Nine Tails (Palico) ● Long Coat Costume (Palamute) Gestures & poses: ● High Five gesture ● Attack pose set ● Hurt pose set Hunter appearance options: ● Eye Shadow makeup ● Hero face paint ● Spread Wings makeup ● Airy Short Bob hairstyle ● Beachy Waves hairstyle ● Great Baggi Crest hairstyle Hunter voices: ● Master Utsushi ● Hinoa the Quest Maiden Cohoot outfits: ● Wind-Up Cohoot ● Fluffy Hood All content is cosmetic and does not confer any status benefits. Note: After purchasing, speak to the Courier and select Add-on Content to receive layered armor and outfits. You will then be able to use the Hunter and Buddy items in the Layered Armor Settings of the Item Box and Buddy Board, and the Cohoot items in the Change Clothes section of the Pet menu. For hunter appearance options and voices, select Change Appearance in the Item Box to apply to your hunter.

Individual DLC

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

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The world of Monster Hunter Rise gets bigger and deeper with this massive expansion featuring new monsters, new locales and more! Note: You must own Monster Hunter Rise in order to play this expansion. Sunbreak content is accessible after completion of the 7-star Hub quest “Serpent Goddess of Thunder”. If you purchase this content while the game is open, you must restart the game in order to access the content. Support for Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese will be added via update scheduled for release on 30/6/2022.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe Kit

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe Kit

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Enjoy a bundle of great additional content: • "Dragonsbane" hunter layered armor set • "C Hound" Palamute layered armor set • "F Devout" Palico layered armor set • "Take Aim" gesture set (4 gestures) • Fight Pose Set (3 poses) • "Elegant Eyes" makeup • "Fluffy Curls" hairstyle Note: Layered armor is a "skin" which changes the appearance of the character without affecting their stats and abilities. The additional content included in this Deluxe Kit is the same as that included in the Deluxe Edition. Monster Hunter Rise required; can be used without purchasing Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.
Hunter Voice: Kagero the Merchant

Hunter Voice: Kagero the Merchant

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Change up your hunter's sound with this special voice option! After purchasing, select Change Appearance in the Item Box to apply to your hunter. Note: This item is cosmetic only and does not confer any status benefits.
"Bob with Hairband" hairstyle

"Bob with Hairband" hairstyle

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Change up your hunter's look with this special appearance option! After purchasing, select Change Appearance in the Item Box to apply to your hunter. Note: This item is cosmetic only and does not confer any status benefits.
"C Floral Yukata" Palamute layered armor piece

"C Floral Yukata" Palamute layered armor piece

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Dress up your buddy with this special layered armor! After purchasing, speak to the Courier and select Add-on Content to receive the content. You will then be able to use it in the Layered Armor Settings menu of the Buddy Board. Note: This item is cosmetic only and does not confer any status benefits.
"Traditional Dance" gesture set

"Traditional Dance" gesture set

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Enjoy communicating with other hunters and taking fun photos with these special gestures! ● Traditional Dance 1 ● Traditional Dance 2 After purchasing, speak to the Courier and select Add-on Content to receive the content. You will then be able to use it from the Chat Menu.
"Floral Yukata" Hunter layered armor piece

"Floral Yukata" Hunter layered armor piece

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Hunt in style with this special layered armor! After purchasing, speak to the Courier and select Add-on Content to receive the content. You will then be able to use it in the Layered Armor Settings menu of the Item Box. Note: This item is cosmetic only and does not confer any status benefits.
"Kamura Village: Summer Remix" BGM

"Kamura Village: Summer Remix" BGM

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Bring some sunny vibes to the village with this pack of summery remixes! - "Kamura's Song of Purification: Summer Remix" BGM - "Brave Hunters: Summer Remix" BGM - "Best Buddies: Summer Remix" BGM - "Making Yummy Dango: Summer Remix" BGM After purchasing, speak to the Courier and select Add-on Content to receive the content. You will then be able to use it in the Room Customization section of the Housekeeper menu.

Game specifications

Release date26/3/2021
No. of playersUp to 4 players
Game file size19.77GB
Supported languagesJapanese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Russian, Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional)

Supported play modes

TV mode
Tabletop mode
Handheld mode

Software compatibility and play experience may differ on Nintendo Switch Lite. Additional accessories may be required (sold separately). See support for details.

This game supports the following features:


Internet connection required during online play. To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries. Online play requires paid online membership. Find out more about the paid membership subscription.

A paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online is required to use the Save Data Cloud. Find out more about the paid membership subscription.

Local multiplayer requires one console and one copy of the software per player.