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Game Classifications

At Nintendo our extensive range of games are designed for various ages. While many of our games are suitable for young children many others are designed for an older audience. So to guide you on which are appropriate for your child, all of our games are given a game classification.

These classifications are clearly marked on the packaging and on our website. Game classifications operate in a very similar fashion to the classification guides for movies. Each game package also features content descriptors, which specify reasons for the classification.

Australia's classification ratings

Click here for more information on classifications.

G Classification Australia

Very mild impact.

PG Classification Australia

Mild impact.

M Classification Australia

Moderate impact. Not recommended for people under 15.

MA15+ Classification Australia

Strong Impact. People under 15 must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian to hire or buy these films or games or to see these films in a cinema. These games cannot be demonstrated in a public place

Age restrictions apply.

R18+ Classification Australia

High Impact. People under 18 are not permitted to buy or hire these films or games or to see these films in a cinema. These games cannot be demonstrated in a public place

Age restrictions apply.

CTC Australia Classification

Films or computer games can be advertised prior to being classified. Check the classification at the cinema or before hiring or buying films or computer games.

New Zealand's classification ratings

Click here for more information on classifications.

G New Zealand Classification

G means anyone can view.

PG New Zealand Classification

PG means anyone can view, but guidance from a parent or guardian is recommended for younger viewers.

M New Zealand Classification

M means anyone can view, but it is more suitable for mature viewers.

R13, R15, R16, R18 New Zealand Classifications

R13, R15, R16 or R18 means it is ILLEGAL to show or give the movie or game to anyone under the age stated on the label.


R New Zealand Classification

R means that there is a special restriction. Refer to the words on the right of the label for the full conditions.


All restricted games must carry a New Zealand classification label, but unrestricted games can be supplied in New Zealand carrying overseas labels.