Announcement Regarding Nintendo Switch Sports In-Game Issues

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An update for the Nintendo Switch software Nintendo Switch Sports (Ver. 1.2.1) was released on 13 October 2022. Under some circumstances, after downloading the update data, an error occurred during the pre-match load screen, causing the software to close. We would like to describe the cause of and workaround for this issue.

Cause of the issue

We have found that, when starting to play 2-player under certain conditions, there is an issue with save data entry which causes the software to close.


For the workaround to this issue, we released two separate updates.

If you still cannot play the game after downloading the first update data (Ver. 1.2.2), you will be able to resume playing by downloading the second update data (Ver. 1.2.3).

We apologise for the inconveniences caused, but please download the latest update.

[First update]

Update data (Ver. 1.2.2)

Release date: 18 October 2022 (Tuesday)

  • With the release of this update, server maintenance was completed. Review our network status page for the most up-to-date maintenance and server status information.

[Second update]

Update data (Ver. 1.2.3)

Release date: 20 October 2022 (Thursday)

  • Save data backup has resumed service after this update.

  • For some players, the order of items in the “Accessories (head)” section of “Customise” may be different from its order before the update. This will not have effects on playing the game.

On the extension of Nintendo Switch Online and in-game points

Updated: 21 February 2023

For Nintendo Accounts that have Nintendo Switch Sports play history from on or before 18 October 2022, and are currently a member of Nintendo Switch Online, the membership period has been extended by one week.

  • If you are unsure whether you received the extension, you can confirm in your Nintendo eShop Purchase History.

  • If multiple eligible accounts are part of the same family membership, the membership period for that family membership was extended by one week.

Between 18 October 2022 and 3 November 2022, points earned when playing “Play Globally” are doubled for all sports.

  • Normally, 1.1x to 1.3x points are given in "Random" or in one of the sports.

  • There are plans for a method to collect rewards missed during this time. Details will follow in the future.