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How to Deregister a Primary Nintendo Switch Console

In this article, you'll learn how to deregister a primary Nintendo Switch console.


  • You can deregister a primary Nintendo Switch console through the Nintendo eShop settings on the console itself.

  • If you don't have access to the primary console, you can deactivate a console from your Nintendo Account remotely via ec.nintendo.com/my/devices/unlink. However, this can only be done once per year.

  • If neither of these options are available to you, please contact our Customer Support.

Additional Information:

  • Deregistering one console will allow you to select a different console as the primary console for your Nintendo Account. Each Nintendo Account can have one primary Nintendo Switch console at a time.

Complete These Steps:

Is the Primary Nintendo Switch Console Available?

Deregistering from the Nintendo Switch console:

  1. Select "Nintendo eShop" on the HOME Menu to launch Nintendo eShop.

  2. Select the user that is linked to the Nintendo Account you want to deregister the primary console for.

  3. Select the picture of your icon in the upper-right corner to access your Account Information.

  4. Scroll down to the "primary console" section.

  5. Select "Deregister" twice to confirm. If your account is set to require a password, you will also need to enter your Nintendo Account password to finish the process.

  6. Repeat these steps for any additional Nintendo Accounts that you wish to deregister the primary console for.

  7. The next time you open Nintendo eShop, the console you use to connect will automatically be set as your primary console.

  1. Using a web browser, visit accounts.nintendo.com.

  2. Sign in to the Nintendo Account you wish to deregister the primary console for.

  3. Select "Your Info".

  4. Select "Change" next to "Linked apps and services"

  5. Select "Deregister primary console".

  6. Enter your Nintendo Account password.

  7. Select "Deregister" twice to confirm.

  8. The next time you open Nintendo eShop from a Nintendo Switch console, the console you use to connect will automatically be set as your primary console.