How to Manage or Delete Downloadable Software

Instructions for managing or deleting downloadable software on Nintendo Switch.

Additional information:

  • Downloadable software can be deleted from the console's system memory or saved to a microSD card in order to free up space. Deleting software data will not impact your save data.

  • Once deleted, software can be redownloaded using the same Nintendo Account with which it was purchased.

  • If a microSD card is inserted, the save location will default to the microSD card when downloading or redownloading software.

 Complete these steps:

  1. Ensure your console has the latest system update.

  2. From the HOME Menu, select "System Settings".

    System Settings on the HOME Menu

  3. Scroll down the options on the left and select "Data Management".

  4. On the right-hand side select "Software", then select the software you would like to manage or delete. Depending on the system menu version, one or more of the following options will be available:

  • Prevent Auto Archiving:* The software will not be archived automatically. When archiving software manually, it will be listed toward the bottom of the list.

  • Archive Software:* The downloaded software will be deleted to free up storage space. You can redownload it by selecting the software icon on the HOME Menu.

  • Delete Software: The software and the icon will be deleted from the HOME Menu. The software can be redownloaded from the Nintendo eShop.

  • Check for Corrupt Data:* Check for corrupt data on downloadable software.

*Available after performing a system update.