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Nintendo Switch

Mob Control: Triple Backup

Sale ends: 3/3/25 at 07:59 a.m. UTC

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Required to play:

Mob Control

Grow your card collection in the armory with Soldier mobs, Triple cannon and a new Mass Abduction ultimate!

With this DLC you will unlock:

- a new Triple cannon that fires three mobs at once! It is so powerful and fast that it should require a license
- new Soldier mobs that have great strength and health and at the same time good speed of movement
- new Mass Abduction ultimate which kidnaps enemy mobs!
- additional 10 booster packs with cards
- extra 30000 coins to spend on upgrading your cards in the armory

Launch your new mobs and cannon, grow a massive army, and when it gets tough, use your new ultimate to finish off the enemy!

Software description provided by the publisher.

Product information

Release date

December 8, 2023


ESRB rating

Game file size

3 MB