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Nintendo Switch

Mob Control: Triple Backup

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Required to play:

Mob Control

Mob Control

Grow your card collection in the armory with Soldier mobs, Triple cannon and a new Mass Abduction ultimate!

With this DLC you will unlock:

- a new Triple cannon that fires three mobs at once! It is so powerful and fast that it should require a license
- new Soldier mobs that have great strength and health and at the same time good speed of movement
- new Mass Abduction ultimate which kidnaps enemy mobs!
- additional 10 booster packs with cards
- extra 30000 coins to spend on upgrading your cards in the armory

Launch your new mobs and cannon, grow a massive army, and when it gets tough, use your new ultimate to finish off the enemy!

Software description provided by the publisher.

Mob Control: Triple Backup

Product information

Release date

December 8, 2023


ESRB rating

Game file size

3 MB