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Nintendo Switch

Spin Rhythm XD Supporter Pack DLC

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Required to play:

Spin Rhythm XD

Spin Rhythm XD

You can get access to unique note styles, skins, character outfits and an exclusive track!

Do you love Spin Rhythm XD and want to support its development that little bit extra? This may be the DLC for you!

This pack contains:

- Exclusive track "Dry Dreams" by Daverwob (RemiXD difficulty by TheWay123)
- Gold wheel material
- Note skins
- Track edge skins and track edge materials
- "Sunset Strip" and "Deep Grey" UI palettes
- Unique character skins for Jim Rhythm and LadyJ

Software description provided by the publisher.

Spin Rhythm XD Supporter Pack DLC

Product information

Release date

October 26, 2023

ESRB rating

Game file size

42 MB