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Two Point Campus: Space Academy
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Two Point Campus
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Welcome aboard space cadets, as we boldly go to Two Point County’s Space Academy!
The Two Point space program is far, far away from its golden years, when rockets lit up the news and astronauts were semi-famous, like B-list actors you don't even recognise. And now the County has opened the doors to its fledgling Space Academy, Two Point needs your help on the front-lines of galactic defence, inter-dimensional diplomacy, promoting the space industry and preparing the County for foreign life. The aliens are coming; look busy.
We’ve also discovered a cluster of those cheesy space rocks caught in the County's orbit. So we need you to set up Two Point's first out-of-County campus, source alien students from all around the galaxy, and teach them everything we know about us. Conditions may be harsh out here, but we're sitting on a gold mine.
So dust off your moon boots, set phasers to fun, and get your students to reach for the stars… and their wallets.
Software description provided by the publisher.
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