Wizardry: The Five Ordeals - Scenario "Prisoners of the Battles"
Fecha de lanzamiento 30/1/25
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Para jugar se requiere:
Wizardry: The Five Ordeals
Adventurers! Prove your worth by overcoming challenges and secure a future for the kingdom!
Previously released on other platforms, Wizardry Gaiden: Prisoners of the Battles is now available as DLC for Wizardry: The Five Ordeals with some improved. Enjoy this classic adventure reimagined!
*The scenario to be played can be changed by selecting "STORY SELECT" on the title screen.
*After purchasing the item, you will be able to start scenario from the "Additional Scenario" item in "STORY SELECT".
- Three different labyrinths, and a bonus hard labyrinth with a roguelike flavor in a single scenario. (and more...?)
- Nearly 40 total floors
- Treasure hunting element that incorporates a random property system and each enchanted item as unique.
- Many balance adjustments from the 2006, plus new events and more.
Esta descripción ha sido proporcionada por el autor del programa.
Clasificación ESRB
Información del producto
Fecha de lanzamiento
Clasificación ESRB
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ADVERTENCIA: Si tienes epilepsia o un historial de convulsiones u otras reacciones inusuales a luces brillantes o en patrones, consulta a tu médico antes de jugar videojuegos. Todos los usuarios deben leer detenidamente la información sobre salud y seguridad disponible en la configuración de la consola antes de usar este programa.
© IID, Inc. © 59 Studio. © Basiscape Co.,Ltd. Original Monster Design by Suemi Jun. Wizardry™ is a trademark of Drecom Co.,Ltd.