Wizardry: The Five Ordeals - Scenario "The Absence of Misericordia"
Fecha de lanzamiento 30/1/25
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Para jugar se requiere:
Wizardry: The Five Ordeals
Seeking relics that will bring spring in a never-ending winter.
This DLC adds a new scenario "The Absence of Misericordia" to "Wizardry: The Five Ordeals".
*The scenario to be played can be changed by selecting "STORY SELECT" on the title screen.
*After purchasing the item, you will be able to start scenario from the "Additional Scenario" item in "STORY SELECT".
- A compact yet challenging traditional labyrinthine exploration in a single labyrinth of less than 10 floors, including a new look that differs from the "Prison of the Battles".
- Treasure hunting with a fixed item system instead of a random property item system.
Esta descripción ha sido proporcionada por el autor del programa.
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ADVERTENCIA: Si tienes epilepsia o un historial de convulsiones u otras reacciones inusuales a luces brillantes o en patrones, consulta a tu médico antes de jugar videojuegos. Todos los usuarios deben leer detenidamente la información sobre salud y seguridad disponible en la configuración de la consola antes de usar este programa.
© IID, Inc. © 59 Studio. © Basiscape Co.,Ltd. Original Monster Design by Suemi Jun. Wizardry™ is a trademark of Drecom Co.,Ltd.