Nintendo Switch

Make the Difference

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Requis pour jouer :

Let’s Play! Oink Games

Let’s Play! Oink Games

"Spot the difference" that are too hard or too easy aren't fun.

You can now play “Make the Difference” in “Let’s Play! Oink Games”

When playing with friends, as long as 1 person owns the game, the other players do not need to own it to play.

● Make the Difference
Hey, newbie! Welcome! The main role of the DDD, "The Department of Difference Development", is making Spot the Difference puzzles!
We want YOU to take some of our premade illustrations and draw in some differences.
But hold on! We don't need to tell you that making it too easy isn't fun, but on the other hand, making it too hard can be a bummer too. You gotta find that sweet spot and make it just difficult enough to spot the differences.
If you spot the differences within the time limit, you score! For everyone that has ever wanted to make their own Spot the Difference puzzle, this is the board game for you!
There's even a solo create and capture mode too!

- Supported Players: Offline 2-8 Players, Online/Local 2-8 Players

Description du logiciel fournie par l'éditeur

Make the Difference

Informations sur le produit

Date de sortie

5 juillet 2023


Classement ESRB

Taille du fichier de jeu

3 MB