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Iris School of Wizardry -Vinculum Hearts-

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Secrets that can’t be solved by magic ~Iris School of Wizardry aka ISW~

You’ll be attending with not only from the wealthy family, but also smart and talented boys and girls attends. School life romance game at the school of magic that everybody wants to attend. The game includes full voice recorded with main cast of popular voice actor Tetsuya Kakihara, Tomohisa Hashizume, Ryosuke Kanemoto, Yuta Kasuya, Kazuyuki Okitsu, Mitsuki Saiga, Atsushi Kakehashi, Atsushi Miyauchi, Nobuhiko Okamoto.

Iris School of Wizardry known as ISW is the school where smart, talented, and rich boys and girls attends. It’s very difficult to enter, but after they graduate, their future is promised to be working in a various elite section for the government organization.

Aria who lost her parents when she was small. As she was working in the second-hand book shop, she dreamed to be a great wizard like her father.

She received a letter.
It was the letter of acceptance to ISW——

Clyde King(クライド=キング) CV:Tetsuya Kakihara(柿原徹也)
Matias Archibald(マティアス=アーチボルド) CV:Tomohisa Hashizume(橋詰知久)
A-Jay Blackford(Aジェイ=ブラックフォード) CV:Ryosuke Kanemoto(金本涼輔)
Cyril Grundy(シリル=グランディ) CV:Yuta Kasuya(粕谷雄太)
Keith Knight(キース=ナイト) CV:Kazuyuki Okitsu(興津和幸)
Ashley Curtis(アシュレイ=カーティス) CV:Mitsuki Saiga(斎賀みつき)
Lee Fitswilliam(リー=フィッツウイリアム) CV:Atsushi Kakehashi(梯篤司)
Demetrius Bishop(ディミトリアス=ビショップ) CV:Atsushi Miyauchi(宮内敦士)
Iris(アイリス) CV:Nobuhiko Okamoto(岡本信彦)

Marika 茉莉花

Software description provided by the publisher.

Supported play modes




Product information

Release date

October 11, 2018

No. of players


ESRB rating

Supported play modes

TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode

Game file size

874 MB

Supported languages

English, Japanese

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