This content is an English translation of information intended for the Japanese market. The release date, price, specifications, etc. may differ from those of products released in your region.


Cool Features
  • 1
    Easy for everyone to use!

    A stunning rate of fire and a design that makes getting your shot off easy. You have to agree that these are the foundational qualities of a good weapon. The all-purpose nature of this one lets it handle any battle situation well, which is a definite advantage.

  • 2
    Keep firing, even as you swiftly move about!

    Solid movement speed, even while firing. You can move around as you launch blobs of ink, ensuring great turf coverage. And being able to maintain mobility as you fire makes you a tough target too.

  • 3
    Inklings love the robust range of choices!

    There are so many shooters available, each offering something different. Damage, range, fire can have a real blast putting each weapon's unique makeup to use in battle.

  • Exceptional Shot Power
    .52 Gal
    .52 Gal

    A heavy hitter with a large nozzle for shooting massive amounts of ink, making it one of the most powerful shooters shot-for-shot. However, it has a slow fire rate and its accuracy takes a dive with consecutive shots, so you'll need to aim quickly and accurately.

  • A Unique Triple-Burst Shooter
    H-3 Nozzlenose
    H-3 Nozzlenose

    A very unusual shooter that fires a three-shot burst each time you pull the trigger. It has great range and high accuracy, but leaves you open after shots, making it a tricky beast to tame for multiple reasons.

  • Range, Meet Rapid Fire
    Splattershot Nova
    Splattershot Nova

    An ink-efficient shooter that lets you lay the splat on for longer. It has excellent range and rate of fire, but not much in the way of power, so it's best suited for covering teammates up front while you yourself keep a healthy distance.

Cool Features
  • 1
    Holding a weapon in each hand looks so cool!

    Fire in style with a weapon in each hand like you're duel wielding pistols! You'll have two reticles at your command and shots firing from both sides.

  • 2
    Use your dodge roll to quickly get where you need to go!

    You can dodge roll twice, spurting ink out of the nozzle to rocket yourself around the stage. Watch out though—you can't fling ink midroll, and you'll be immobile for a bit after the roll completes.

  • 3
    After a dodge roll, it's time for some rapid-fire fun!

    After rolling, both reticles line up, your shots become more powerful, and your rate of fire increases! So long as you don't move, you can keep up the rapid-fire onslaught.

  • Up to Four Rolls in a Row
    Dark Tetra Dualies
    Dark Tetra Dualies

    Cutting-edge ink-ejection nozzles let you execute four Dodge Rolls in a row. You'll be dancing around stages like it's nothin'! Thanks to advanced posture control and shock-absorption features, you can shoot while rolling too.

  • Power Above All
    Gloogga Dualies
    Gloogga Dualies

    Dualies designed to dish out damage—more damage shot-for-shot than any other dualies, in fact! While their rate of fire isn't that great and they leave you wide open after a roll, the shots you fire after the roll hit way harder and fly way further.

  • Switch It Up with a Roll
    Douser Dualies FF
    Douser Dualies FF

    A weapon with two firing styles thanks to unique switchable nozzles. Before a Dodge Roll, the weapon has a long range but low rate of fire. After a roll, the rapid-fire nozzles kick in at the expense of decreased range.

Cool Features
  • 1
    A powerful blow from a distance!

    Charge it up, and launch powerful ink shots that can nail even distant targets! The ability to land a splat shot while outside your opponent's range?! Does it get any better?

  • 2
    Ink up even far-off areas.

    Cast ink out in a long, straight line, giving you the ability to secure a path forward for your teammates.

  • 3
    Maintain maximum charge even as you zoom around.

    Charge up fully, and maintain this for a time, even as you move around. Nimbly dance about the inked turf, and fire away!

  • Great for Charger Newcomers
    Splat Charger
    Splat Charger

    A basic, all-around model that balances range and charge time. As chargers go, it has good mobility and ink coverage, making it an easy weapon to use.

  • Optimized for Storing Charges
    Goo Tuber
    Goo Tuber

    This one takes a bit longer to charge, but it has the advantage of letting you store full charges longer. Then, with one in the chamber, you can sneak your way into firing position and let the enemy have it!

  • Five Shots at Full Charge
    Snipewriter 5H
    Snipewriter 5H

    You can't store charges with this one—sorry—but what you CAN do is pop off up to five consecutive rounds on a full charge. Use the rapid fire to pin opponents down and protect your teammates up front.

Cool Features
  • 1
    Blast away for wide-ranging attacks.

    Ink shots that explode when they come into contact with the air! After flying a certain distance, the bullets explode and damage those within their range. The closer your opponent is to the center of the blast, the more damage they incur.

  • 2
    A direct hit, for a ton of damage all at once!

    The blast itself damages targets, but if you catch an opponent in your reticle and land a direct hit, the destruction will be truly stunning! This high-damage blaster can send a target to Splatsville with a single strike.

  • 3
    Damage opponents hiding under cover.

    Enemy hiding behind a wall or obstacle? Use this blaster's explosions to reach them. Send off a blast to bring the pain down on an unsuspecting enemy!

  • Slow Firing Rate, Big Power

    A basic model that fires exploding ink shots. What it lacks in range and rate of fire it makes up for in power: any direct hits you land are going to deal a huge amount of damage.

  • Potent, Long-Range Blasts
    Rapid Blaster Pro
    Rapid Blaster Pro

    This blaster owes its incredible range to a chamber system that delays ink oxidization. As long as you stay out of reach of opponents, you'll have the upper hand. That said, you'll need to be good at maneuvering to prevent them from closing the distance.

  • Jump to Toggle Firing Modes
    S-BLAST '92
    S-BLAST '92

    A unique weapon design with two modes. On the ground, it fires precise, long-range shots with a narrow blast radius. While jumping, however, your shots will produce a wider blast radius.

Cool Features
  • 1
    Instantly ink up vast areas of turf as you move forward.

    Put that roller to the ground, and roll your way forward! It leaves a wide trail of ink, nice and uniform. You can also deal damage to an opponent who comes in contact with your roller.

  • 2
    Scatter ink with the swing of a brush.

    Swing that brush to send sprays of ink out ahead. The range is short, but if you're a skilled shot, you'll cause some serious damage. In the right hands, this weapon can form the bedrock of a solid battle strategy.

  • 3
    Swing vertically to increase the spray range.

    Attack while jumping, and you'll swing the weapon vertically, sending a straight line of ink spurting out ahead. Ink coverage might be on the narrow side but will also extend further ahead than when launched from the ground.

  • Balanced and Easy to Use
    Splat Roller
    Splat Roller

    A basic, all-around model that balances power and swing speed. Its horizontal swings and ink rolls have a wide spread, and the vertical swings get plenty of distance, allowing you to strike at faraway enemies in addition to inking the ground.

  • Swing Direction Matters
    Flingza Roller
    Flingza Roller

    This quirky roller radically changes shape and function depending on which way you swing it. Horizontal swings are quick and pack a punch, while vertical swings do less damage but have good fling range, inking a wide area.

  • A Lightweight, Wide Roller
    Big Swig Roller
    Big Swig Roller

    This roller's horizontal swings have a wide spread, and the light body makes those swings plenty quick. Thanks to its outstanding rolling capabilities, you can paint over a wide area without using up much ink.

Cool Features
  • 1
    Spray ink about with the swing of a brush.

    Swing your brush side to side to fling ink out ahead. Swing fast to ink loads of turf and attack opponents.

  • 2
    Ink away to advance quickly!

    Put your brush tip to the ground ahead, and you can progress at rapid speed! Your ink spray will be narrow, but even enemy ink can't hinder your progress forward. This is definitely the premier way to quickly get out of a jam.

  • 3
    Is this what being a painter feels like?!

    For a change of pace, why not try your tentacle at painting pictures and figures in Recon mode using the ground as your canvas?

  • Dish Out Lickety-Split Licks

    A lightweight brush that isn't very strong but can be swung quickly. Use it to ink your way forward at lightning speed, zipping around the stage and confounding opponents!

  • A Thick, Heavy-Hitting Brush

    A brush with dense bristles that can hold a lot of ink. Its slower swings and somewhat heavier ink consumption are made up for with high range, power, and swing-for-swing ink coverage.

  • Mechanized Range and Power

    The brush's 90-degree spin mechanism provides a nice boost to range and power. The long windup leaves you open, but once you get going you'll be able to do a flurry of far-reaching ink flicks.

Cool Features
  • 1
    Slings out ink in a straight line.

    Aim forward, and cast out a gigantic amount of ink. Ink consumption may be high, but the weapon also offers the ability to cause a stunning amount of damage.

  • 2
    Great for attacking higher-up opponents.

    Soaring in a parabolic arc, a single shot will bathe your target in an immense amount of ink, making this a great choice for when your opponent is on higher turf than you. It's also effective for attacking opponents hiding behind obstacles.

  • 3
    A wide impact range for a ton of ink.

    When the lobbed ink blobs hit a wall or the ground, they'll burst open, inking a wide area. If an opponent is within the impact range, you'll surround their feet with ink, limiting their movements.

  • Hit Hard-to-Reach Hidey Spots

    A slosher that hurls a ton of ink in a straight line. It burns through ink quickly, but its powerful arced shots can be used to target enemies hiding behind cover.

  • Explosive, Wide-Reaching Sloshes

    A heavyweight slosher that fires special ink that explodes when it hits floors and walls. It's got amazing range and attack spread, but since the long gaps between shots leave you vulnerable, you'll need to watch that opponents don't get too close.

  • Two-Slosh Bursts
    Dread Wringer D
    Dread Wringer D

    A double-muzzled slosher that fires two bursts of ink at once. There's a slight delay before the second burst releases, but if you can make both bursts connect, it's definitely going to leave a mark.

Cool Features
  • 1
    The highest rate of fire out there!

    Charging is a bit slow, but once it reaches its maximum, the ink will be positively rocketing out! The key here is always ensuring that you have enough time to charge safely.

  • 2
    A longer range too.

    Splatlings have fantastic range on the whole, letting you counterattack enemies even at long distances. Great for giving your teammates cover fire from behind and keeping enemies focused on you.

  • 3
    Adjust the power via the charge time.

    Charging up longer can extend its range and sustained fire, but even before you reach full power, you can still hurl out ink. Choose your charge time depending on the situation at hand, and you'll crush it out there!

  • Master Two Ranges
    Ballpoint Splatling
    Ballpoint Splatling

    A unique splatling that starts with short-range, high-speed rapid fire, then phases into a longer-range, more accurate mode with a lower rate of fire. The trick is to know when to stop firing and recharge so you can control which phase you're in.

  • Store Your Charges
    Nautilus 47
    Nautilus 47

    A splatling that allows you to store your charge, as well as do a recharge while firing. It's even got a stabilizer to keep your aim steady while jumping.

  • Super Rapid Fire at Full Charge
    Heavy Edit Splatling
    Heavy Edit Splatling

    The innovative cartridge ejection system gives up charging speed to achieve the fastest rate of fire of any splatling weapon. Its mobility while charging and firing is nothing to sniff at either.

Cool Features
  • 1
    Easily protect yourself and your crew.

    Unfold your brella to shield against opponent attacks. You can even draw fire away from your teammates to make sure they stay safe.

  • 2
    Open up a path forward!

    Once fully charged, the brella can detach from the main weapon and shoot forward. Move along with it, and you can close in on your opponents while keeping yourself shielded.

  • 3
    Ink up vast areas ahead of you.

    A launched shield will slowly advance, covering its path with ink. You'll jet out loads of ink in a single straight line, making these weapons the perfect choice when you need to move forward.

  • Jumbo-Sized Group Protection
    Tenta Brella
    Tenta Brella

    A wide, heavyweight brella capable of protecting multiple teammates. It's a bit on the clunky side, but it has a short launch time and durable canopy.

  • Fire While Defending
    Undercover Brella
    Undercover Brella

    This lightweight brella forgoes a launching mechanism, and instead lets you fire repeatedly while the canopy is open. You'll FEEL like a super spy as you sneak your way into enemies' faces, blasting away and fending off their attacks.

  • Quick Launches and Regens
    Recycled Brella 24 Mk I
    Recycled Brella 24 Mk I

    A brella that combines traditional materials with modern weapon manufacturing technology. Sturdy the canopy most definitely is not, but it launches and regenerates quickly.

Cool Features
  • 1
    Shoot ink in multiple directions.

    Use this bow-like weapon to fire ink in multiple directions at once. The individual rounds don't do much damage, but you can quickly ink a wide area by firing repeatedly.

  • 2
    Charge up to increase power and range.

    Charge a stringer up to gradually increase power and range and alter the direction your ink travels. You can charge up to two levels, which accomplishes different things depending on the stringer you're using.

  • 3
    Jump to fire a vertical spread.

    While jumping, your firing posture and reticle will change to a longer-range vertical configuration that sends ink flying in a straight line.

  • Change Up How You Fire!

    A typical stringer model that fires a three-way ink shot. Fully charged, its unique speed-cooling mechanism kicks in, freezing the ink so it flies farther and bursts on impact.

  • Stored Charges, High Mobility
    REEF-LUX 450
    REEF-LUX 450

    A smaller, lightweight take on the Tri-Stringer. It has shorter range and no explosion on impact, but the lighter frame makes it possible to store charges.

  • Five Rounds at Once
    Wellstring V
    Wellstring V

    A heavyweight stringer that fires five rounds of ink at once. At the first level of charge, it tightens all five rounds into a single shot, and with a full charge, it disperses exploding ink everywhere.

Cool Features
  • 1
    Attack with waves of ink.

    Send waves of ink flying using centrifugal force. Splatanas have two attacks: basic horizontal slashes that can be done in succession, and powerful charged slashes.

  • 2
    Crushing damage at point-blank range!

    You can also attack opponents directly with the splatana. At point-blank range, you might even splat 'em in one hit!

  • 3
    Lunge attacks look so cool.

    With a charged slash, you can lunge forward, closing the distance with foes. Nothing feels better than splatting somebody in one swift stroke!

  • Maneuver and Slash!
    Splatana Wiper
    Splatana Wiper

    A lightweight weapon with a slender frame. It lets you perform quick horizontal swings and charge up fast, making this the perfect starter splatana.

  • Thick, Weighty Slashes
    Splatana Stamper
    Splatana Stamper

    This puppy's wheeled edge lets you mow down opponents in waves of ink. It's got some weight to it so swings are on the slow side, but it offers great power and wider ink.

  • Extra-Wide Flashes of Ink
    Mint Decavitator
    Mint Decavitator

    A distinctive splatana with detachable parts. Horizontal slashes use the whole weapon. With charged slashes, however, you draw from the translucent part in a flash of ink that hits a wide area in front of you.

Style Has ∞ No Limit

Gear isn't just one thing. There's streetwear, casual wear, sportswear, thrifted clothing. Each brand has a core concept and a diverse lineup, and fashion trends can change in a blink. Young folks are always looking to find the new "it."

A Symbiotic Look That'll Turn Heads
Skalop, Coral Cap. Emberz, Fringehead Hoodless. Zink, LT-CL0WN.

The dynamic, bright-red hoodless sweatshirt immediately makes you the top story wherever you go. The cap and shoes dial the color back just enough so that the designs don't compete and don't clash. This is fashion styling done right.

New = Uncharted You Make the Rules
Z+F, Seafoam 'Phones.Z+F, Trooper Top. Z+F, ZedFry Slip-Ons.

As loud as they look on your ears, these camo cans from new label Z+F go surprisingly well with whatever you choose to wear. Pictured are a plain shirt with patches and poppin', colorful slip-ons that draw attention to your head and feet.

Thick Phones that Retro-Fi Your Ears
Forge, Aux Boxes. Takoroka, Takoroka \m/ Crab. Enperry, Blue & Black Squidkid III.

Retro fashion enthusiasts know it: old-school headphones are where it's at. They make no apology for their design—two monoliths that rule on high above your well-lived-in tee. Tastefully choosing sneaks in the same color keeps the look fresh and timeless.

Stay Loose with Functional Fashion
Forge, Barrelfish Home Helmet. Tentatek, White Retro Tee. Tentatek, Hyper Guppies.

For the young and active Inkling or Octoling. The baseball helmet puts function before fashion, keeping you safe on the go, and the white tee was chosen to keep you free and loose. The kicks pull it all together with ample cushioning and color that pops.

Putting the Style into Cycling Gear
Tentatek, Slipstream Helmet Pro. Tentatek, Tentatek Slipstream Vest. Zink, Stamina Cycling Shoes.

Cycling gear was notorious for putting function first and style dead last—until Tentatek and Zink came along. Both brands offer stylish, high-performance products that meet young Inkling and Octoling standards and look great with other designer fashion.

FEATURE 01 Fashion from Head to Toe
From a Bold Idea to a Dazzling Design
Emberz, Deluxury Sleep Mask. Skalop, Chompers Varsity Jacket. Annaki, Bit 'n' Bridle Loafers.

If face masks are fashion, then why not sleep masks too? To execute on that bold idea, we found a top and shoes with matching designs and colors. The chill blues and browns merge so well that it almost looks like it was all sold together.

Don't Beg for Attention, Insist on It
Emberz, Meetcha Mask. Inkline, Rugby Fleece. Emberz, E-JECT 30VV.

The Meetcha Mask, a nametag for your face, isn't easy to wear well, but it makes a big statement. Assert yourself even more with the patchwork-like fleece, then kick your feet up and make 'em stare into your soles.

Cute Can Be Cool Too
Z+F, Hat-Trick Bell Hat. Firefin, Dark Urban Vest. Zekko, Blue Lo-Tops

Sick and tired of dressing your age? Who says you have to? Break out your inner scamp by popping on this bell hat. Balanced with a low-tone vest and skater sneaks, it'll pull the weight and make you cute, but not cloying.

A Unique Look Taken All the Way
Skalop, Do-Rag, Cap & Glasses. Skalop, Lyco-P Streetstyle Tee. Tentatek, Tenya OctoPurps.

The Do-Rag, Cap & Glasses alone complete a unique look, but we won't stop there. Let's add a tight-hugging top and roomy shoes to shake up your silhouette, with loud, proud colors that pull each other into perfect 10/10 cohesion.

FEATURE 02 The Hottest Brands, Demystified
The Perfect New Item for a No-Sweat Summer
Inkline, Sauna Hat. Krak-On, Coral Bloom Aloha. Krak-On, Skirmish Sabots.

The Sauna Hat has left the sauna! In a fashionista's hands, it's the latest summer look. Wearing this, an aloha shirt, and sabots, you can take the balmy weather with you. Not only that, it'll keep you cool and dry out in the sun.

To Seize the Day, First Seize the Night
Inkline, Headlamp Hat. Barazushi, Plum Barazushi Wrap. Barazushi, Field Duck Boots.

Arise, denizen of the night. Swathed in black and purple, you'll be right at home in the shadows with your headlamp and "cape." The understated duck boots just tie it all together. And better yet, you'll look just as good in daylight.

A Rising Star Among the Masses
Z+F, Sea-Me-Nots. Z+F, Navy Z+F Tee. Z+F, Red Toejamz

The Sea-Me-Nots are celebrity grade, but that's as glam as this outfit goes. Take your star power off the red carpet and walk among the mere mortals with an unpretentious tee and colorful clogs that keep things real without dulling your dazzle.

A Tough Look for Absolute Champions
Barazushi, Moto Shades. Barazushi, Tuff Duffel. Barazushi, Arctic Duck Boots.

You'll feel like your toughest self in this knockout punch of an outfit. The big shades draw big looks, and the XL duffel coat and duck boots remind the world how much champion they're dealing with. Any teammate will get behind a leader dressed like this.

Be Brave and Own the Look
Splash Mob, Glam Clam Specs. Takoroka, Takoroka Nineties Nylon. Tentatek, Icy Down Boots.

It takes bravery to wear overdesigned items, but if you put yourself out there and own the look, you can and will create a style. Face-changer eyewear? Check. Multicolor jacket and pattern boots? Heck yeah. Together, it all click click clicks.

A Colorful, Captivating Contradiction
Splash Mob, Retro Specs. Emberz, Fuzzly Sweater. Rockenberg Roasted Brogues.

Brainiac glasses, proper brogues, and an ugly-fun sweater come together in a standout style that catches the eye. It's all so wrong that it starts to look a squiddle bit right. If you like that kind of contradiction, this ensemble may be the one for you.

Hijacking a Classic with Spikes
Skalop, Anglerfish Knit. Barazushi, Barazushi Peacoat. Barazushi, Spiked Duck Boots.

The peacoat, a winter classic. The trick is to wear it your way, not the right way. Try adding equal parts sugar and spice with a cute knit cap and spiked boots. As a vanguard of youth fashion, you'll need slip-proof kicks that keep you on the march.

Activewear, Fully Activated
Skalop, Tee Time Visor. Takoroka, Octo Jumper Home. Inkline, OB Gaiter Waders.

By sticking mostly to black and white, what should be activewear overload reads as sharp fashion instead. Splashy, colorful waders elevate the look, while the reverse sunglasses are the kind of bold choice that separates a style great from a style guppy.

Camo That Demands to Be Seen
Z+F, Dustcloud Cap. Z+F, Dustcloud Hoodie. Z+F, Dustcloud Hi-Tops.

Z+F, the brand baby of Zekko and Firefin, brings us this one-of-a-kind camo catalog—except that on the street, these earth tones will make you stand out more, not less. Better stay frosty as you drip with the hottest new label.

Simple, Stylish Street Fashion
Zekko, Tinted Shades. Enperry, White King Tank. Enperry, Crab-Trap Squidkid III.

To show you've got your act together, try keeping it simple: a white tank top with the brand logo on it, and some jet-black sneaks—nice ones, please. Perching those tinted shades on your forehead is a spicy touch that shows you didn't hit the streets to play around.

The Chaos the World Needs
Forge, Away-Team Catcher. Takoroka, Takoroka \m/ Alien. Enperry, Red & White Squidkid III.

Some styles insist on smashing the impossible together, harbingers of imminent chaos. But if today's world isn't ready for a catcher mask, a shirt with some kind of alien on it, and tricolor sneaks, then maybe today's world better get out of the way.

Take the Reins and Tame Your Fashion
Z+F, Snaxolotl Hood. Krak-On, Camo Layered LS. Emberz, E-JECT 30XX.

You won't turn any heads if you're drowning in your clothes. You have to own the look. Against all odds, this Snaxolotl Hood has been donned with confidence and tamed, and that's the kind of fashion feat that makes one a titan of style.

A Spicy Superweapon That Slays with a Glare
Rockenberg, Flounder Flap Cap. Barazushi, Barazushi Liner Shell. Rockenberg, Buckle-Down Boots.

For maximum impact when you shoot someone a glare, keep that cap low over your eyes. In between the dark khaki jacket and rugged black engineer boots, those legs will take center stage and blow anyone out of the water.

Chic, but Not Meek
Annaki, Annaki Beret. Toni Kensa Dark, Bomber Jacket. Annaki, Annaki Tigers.

A jaunty beret joins black everything else in a restrained, unified ensemble that exudes style and intelligence. It looks chic at a glance, but the real reason this works is because the kicks and jacket go so hard.

Style Has ∞ No Limit

Gear isn't just one thing. There's streetwear, casual wear, sportswear, thrifted clothing. Each brand has a core concept and a diverse lineup, and fashion trends can change in a blink. Young folks are always looking to find the new "it."

A Symbiotic Look That'll Turn Heads
Skalop, Coral Cap. Emberz, Fringehead Hoodless. Zink, LT-CL0WN.

The dynamic, bright-red hoodless sweatshirt immediately makes you the top story wherever you go. The cap and shoes dial the color back just enough so that the designs don't compete and don't clash. This is fashion styling done right.

Putting the Style into Cycling Gear
Tentatek, Slipstream Helmet Pro. Tentatek, Tentatek Slipstream Vest. Zink, Stamina Cycling Shoes.

Cycling gear was notorious for putting function first and style dead last—until Tentatek and Zink came along. Both brands offer stylish, high-performance products that meet young Inkling and Octoling standards and look great with other designer fashion.

A Unique Look Taken All the Way
Skalop, Do-Rag, Cap & Glasses. Skalop, Lyco-P Streetstyle Tee. Tentatek, Tenya OctoPurps.

The Do-Rag, Cap & Glasses alone complete a unique look, but we won't stop there. Let's add a tight-hugging top and roomy shoes to shake up your silhouette, with loud, proud colors that pull each other into perfect 10/10 cohesion.

New = Uncharted You Make the Rules
Z+F, Seafoam 'Phones.Z+F, Trooper Top. Z+F, ZedFry Slip-Ons.

As loud as they look on your ears, these camo cans from new label Z+F go surprisingly well with whatever you choose to wear. Pictured are a plain shirt with patches and poppin', colorful slip-ons that draw attention to your head and feet.

From a Bold Idea to a Dazzling Design
Emberz, Deluxury Sleep Mask. Skalop, Chompers Varsity Jacket. Annaki, Bit 'n' Bridle Loafers.

If face masks are fashion, then why not sleep masks too? To execute on that bold idea, we found a top and shoes with matching designs and colors. The chill blues and browns merge so well that it almost looks like it was all sold together.

The Perfect New Item for a No-Sweat Summer
Inkline, Sauna Hat. Krak-On, Coral Bloom Aloha. Krak-On, Skirmish Sabots.

The Sauna Hat has left the sauna! In a fashionista's hands, it's the latest summer look. Wearing this, an aloha shirt, and sabots, you can take the balmy weather with you. Not only that, it'll keep you cool and dry out in the sun.

FEATURE 02 The Hottest Brands, Demystified
A Tough Look for Absolute Champions
Barazushi, Moto Shades. Barazushi, Tuff Duffel. Barazushi, Arctic Duck Boots.

You'll feel like your toughest self in this knockout punch of an outfit. The big shades draw big looks, and the XL duffel coat and duck boots remind the world how much champion they're dealing with. Any teammate will get behind a leader dressed like this.

Activewear, Fully Activated
Skalop, Tee Time Visor. Takoroka, Octo Jumper Home. Inkline, OB Gaiter Waders.

By sticking mostly to black and white, what should be activewear overload reads as sharp fashion instead. Splashy, colorful waders elevate the look, while the reverse sunglasses are the kind of bold choice that separates a style great from a style guppy.

Take the Reins and Tame Your Fashion
Z+F, Snaxolotl Hood. Krak-On, Camo Layered LS. Emberz, E-JECT 30XX.

You won't turn any heads if you're drowning in your clothes. You have to own the look. Against all odds, this Snaxolotl Hood has been donned with confidence and tamed, and that's the kind of fashion feat that makes one a titan of style.

Be Brave and Own the Look
Splash Mob, Glam Clam Specs. Takoroka, Takoroka Nineties Nylon. Tentatek, Icy Down Boots.

It takes bravery to wear overdesigned items, but if you put yourself out there and own the look, you can and will create a style. Face-changer eyewear? Check. Multicolor jacket and pattern boots? Heck yeah. Together, it all click click clicks.

Camo That Demands to Be Seen
Z+F, Dustcloud Cap. Z+F, Dustcloud Hoodie. Z+F, Dustcloud Hi-Tops.

Z+F, the brand baby of Zekko and Firefin, brings us this one-of-a-kind camo catalog—except that on the street, these earth tones will make you stand out more, not less. Better stay frosty as you drip with the hottest new label.

A Spicy Superweapon That Slays with a Glare
Rockenberg, Flounder Flap Cap. Barazushi, Barazushi Liner Shell. Rockenberg, Buckle-Down Boots.

For maximum impact when you shoot someone a glare, keep that cap low over your eyes. In between the dark khaki jacket and rugged black engineer boots, those legs will take center stage and blow anyone out of the water.

Thick Phones that Retro-Fi Your Ears
Forge, Aux Boxes. Takoroka, Takoroka \m/ Crab. Enperry, Blue & Black Squidkid III.

Retro fashion enthusiasts know it: old-school headphones are where it's at. They make no apology for their design—two monoliths that rule on high above your well-lived-in tee. Tastefully choosing sneaks in the same color keeps the look fresh and timeless.

Don't Beg for Attention, Insist on It
Emberz, Meetcha Mask. Inkline, Rugby Fleece. Emberz, E-JECT 30VV.

The Meetcha Mask, a nametag for your face, isn't easy to wear well, but it makes a big statement. Assert yourself even more with the patchwork-like fleece, then kick your feet up and make 'em stare into your soles.

Stay Loose with Functional Fashion
Forge, Barrelfish Home Helmet. Tentatek, White Retro Tee. Tentatek, Hyper Guppies.

For the young and active Inkling or Octoling. The baseball helmet puts function before fashion, keeping you safe on the go, and the white tee was chosen to keep you free and loose. The kicks pull it all together with ample cushioning and color that pops.

Cute Can Be Cool Too
Z+F, Hat-Trick Bell Hat. Firefin, Dark Urban Vest. Zekko, Blue Lo-Tops

Sick and tired of dressing your age? Who says you have to? Break out your inner scamp by popping on this bell hat. Balanced with a low-tone vest and skater sneaks, it'll pull the weight and make you cute, but not cloying.

FEATURE 01 Fashion from Head to Toe
To Seize the Day, First Seize the Night
Inkline, Headlamp Hat. Barazushi, Plum Barazushi Wrap. Barazushi, Field Duck Boots.

Arise, denizen of the night. Swathed in black and purple, you'll be right at home in the shadows with your headlamp and "cape." The understated duck boots just tie it all together. And better yet, you'll look just as good in daylight.

A Colorful, Captivating Contradiction
Splash Mob, Retro Specs. Emberz, Fuzzly Sweater. Rockenberg Roasted Brogues.

Brainiac glasses, proper brogues, and an ugly-fun sweater come together in a standout style that catches the eye. It's all so wrong that it starts to look a squiddle bit right. If you like that kind of contradiction, this ensemble may be the one for you.

Simple, Stylish Street Fashion
Zekko, Tinted Shades. Enperry, White King Tank. Enperry, Crab-Trap Squidkid III.

To show you've got your act together, try keeping it simple: a white tank top with the brand logo on it, and some jet-black sneaks—nice ones, please. Perching those tinted shades on your forehead is a spicy touch that shows you didn't hit the streets to play around.

Chic, but Not Meek
Annaki, Annaki Beret. Toni Kensa Dark, Bomber Jacket. Annaki, Annaki Tigers.

A jaunty beret joins black everything else in a restrained, unified ensemble that exudes style and intelligence. It looks chic at a glance, but the real reason this works is because the kicks and jacket go so hard.

A Rising Star Among the Masses
Z+F, Sea-Me-Nots. Z+F, Navy Z+F Tee. Z+F, Red Toejamz

The Sea-Me-Nots are celebrity grade, but that's as glam as this outfit goes. Take your star power off the red carpet and walk among the mere mortals with an unpretentious tee and colorful clogs that keep things real without dulling your dazzle.

Hijacking a Classic with Spikes
Skalop, Anglerfish Knit. Barazushi, Barazushi Peacoat. Barazushi, Spiked Duck Boots.

The peacoat, a winter classic. The trick is to wear it your way, not the right way. Try adding equal parts sugar and spice with a cute knit cap and spiked boots. As a vanguard of youth fashion, you'll need slip-proof kicks that keep you on the march.

The Chaos the World Needs
Forge, Away-Team Catcher. Takoroka, Takoroka \m/ Alien. Enperry, Red & White Squidkid III.

Some styles insist on smashing the impossible together, harbingers of imminent chaos. But if today's world isn't ready for a catcher mask, a shirt with some kind of alien on it, and tricolor sneaks, then maybe today's world better get out of the way.

FEATURE 01 Fashion from Head to Toe

Getting your hairstyle and legwear right is key to a distinctive look. Want to up your fashion game? Then read on, because every detail counts.

Getting your hairstyle and legwear right is key to a distinctive look. Want to up your fashion game? Then read on, because every detail counts.

Inkling Hairstyles Constantly Transforming

Fashion-conscious Inklings care about hair. They're always experimenting: zeroing in on past trends, adding their own spin, finding a look that brings their gear ensemble to life. Times may change, but never their relentless quest to invent new hairstyles.

Octoling Hairstyles Evolution, Not Revolution

Octolings are fashion driven too, but they take a grounded approach when it comes to hair. They know the basic look they're building from, and the question then becomes how to evolve it. That said, they're open-minded enough to recognize a great new idea when they see it.

Don't Miss this Style Point

Eyebrows require different solutions depending on whether you're wearing your cap low or showing forehead. Do you go bold and thick? Or give yourself a slit and a confidence boost? Little choices make big differences.

Eyebrows require different solutions depending on whether you're wearing your cap low or showing forehead. Do you go bold and thick? Or give yourself a slit and a confidence boost? Little choices make big differences.

Break Out a Killer Combo

With so many great tops to choose from, the legwear you pick matters. Think about what goes best. Active styles call for shorter legwear, while skirt-over-pants is a great way to achieve a cutesy look. Trying to dress down? Distressed legwear has the synergy you need.

Wear the same brand for a unified look, or combine items to show off your own style. Every gear brand has its own unique vibe, and they're all constantly introducing new designs and dropping new products to keep the competition fresh.


An industry-leading athleticwear brand that offers a range of clothing and shoes for every sport. The simple, no-frills designs make Zink a popular fashion label. In recent years, they have been actively collaborating with famous artists.


A sportswear label that took the world by storm with its cutting-edge sneakers. Celebrated for its sharp, functional fashion, Tentatek is an undisputed industry leader with a track record of supplying gear to many top athletes.


A veteran footwear company. Their canvas shoes have remained unchanged over the years and are loved by all generations. Vintage Krak-Ons are highly sought after by collectors. Recently, the company has ventured into more exotic designs.

Splash Mob

A popular brand for sophisticated, mature Inklings and Octolings that insists on quality craftsmanship. Splash Mob's casual yet refined designs, carefully selected material textures, and fine stitching have earned it a reputation among discerning buyers.


A street-fashion brand that integrates art, music, and other culture into their primary focus: athletic casualwear. Enperry's playful, sassy lineup skillfully walks the line between fierce and comfortable, retro and cutting-edge.


A trendsetting global company that produces a range of gear for beginners and pros alike, paving the way for other brands to follow. As the official brand of Turf War, SquidForce puts effort into training up pros and maintaining venues.


A select brand targeted at astute buyers who don't bow to the latest trends. Forge offers everything from authentic military fashion to functional, stylish headgear. One theory is that their lineup is actually created by their CEO, for their CEO, whose interests run the gamut.


This manufacturer comes from the western Splatlands, famous for sea sponges. The region's harsh climate demands high-performance gear, and Barazushi's is second to none. Their monster parka, made with ultrafine fiber sponge, is just one example.

Toni Kensa

An eponymous brand known for its unique monotone look and simple, structured designs. It feels like just yesterday that Toni Kensa captured the attention of fashionistas with its new line that combined urban sophistication with rugged attitude.


The brand's line of punk-infused apparel has an army of rabid fans. By introducing its unique vibe into casual items, Annaki has succeeded in gradually expanding its customer base, with no sign of its popularity fading or slowing down.


This label offered a wide range of street fashion, with a focus on skatewear. Known for its ease of movement and solid design, Zekko gear played a central role in Splatlands subculture. The brand has since merged with Firefin, but its spirit lives on.


A historic company renowned for its leather shoes. Rockenberg's promise of high-quality, comfortable footwear has earned them loyal customers since the brand's inception. Their classic boots are a little pricey, but if you take good care of them, they'll last a lifetime.


A legit outdoor-apparel brand that produces a wide range of functional, practical gear. Comfortable and fashionable, it's just as popular as everyday wear. Inkline's luxury down vests and serious boots are on many a young Inkling and Octoling's wish list.


A manufacturer that specializes in headwear, from your standard baseball cap to fashion items such as knits to athletic gear like helmets. More recently, Skalop has made a push into funkier designs as they continue to evolve and garner attention.


Street-brand royalty. Firefin's range included not just style essentials like hoodies and caps but also more chic items like bell hats and sun visors. Right before they merged with Zekko, their FishFry merch went out of stock in every store.


An athleticwear brand known for their sneakers. Their uniquely stylish clothes and footwear, made with proprietary technology, are fashion staples. Sneakerheads flock to Takoroka stores on day one, forming long lines to snag their new products.


This new label is the result of a merger between two leading streetwear brands, Zekko and Firefin. In addition to carrying on the original brands' underlying hip-hop and skater culture, Z+F offers its own poppy, colorful clothing line.


This rising brand was born on the streets of Splatsville and quickly gained traction with Inkling youth. Its mission: reject and destroy the established order and common sense. Emberz uses every material out there to cook up its apparel, serving an umami-packed hotpot of ideas.


An industry-leading athleticwear brand that offers a range of clothing and shoes for every sport. The simple, no-frills designs make Zink a popular fashion label. In recent years, they have been actively collaborating with famous artists.


The brand's line of punk-infused apparel has an army of rabid fans. By introducing its unique vibe into casual items, Annaki has succeeded in gradually expanding its customer base, with no sign of its popularity fading or slowing down.


A sportswear label that took the world by storm with its cutting-edge sneakers. Celebrated for its sharp, functional fashion, Tentatek is an undisputed industry leader with a track record of supplying gear to many top athletes.


This label offered a wide range of street fashion, with a focus on skatewear. Known for its ease of movement and solid design, Zekko gear played a central role in Splatlands subculture. The brand has since merged with Firefin, but its spirit lives on.


A historic company renowned for its leather shoes. Rockenberg's promise of high-quality, comfortable footwear has earned them loyal customers since the brand's inception. Their classic boots are a little pricey, but if you take good care of them, they'll last a lifetime.


A veteran footwear company. Their canvas shoes have remained unchanged over the years and are loved by all generations. Vintage Krak-Ons are highly sought after by collectors. Recently, the company has ventured into more exotic designs.


A legit outdoor-apparel brand that produces a wide range of functional, practical gear. Comfortable and fashionable, it's just as popular as everyday wear. Inkline's luxury down vests and serious boots are on many a young Inkling and Octoling's wish list.

Splash Mob

A popular brand for sophisticated, mature Inklings and Octolings that insists on quality craftsmanship. Splash Mob's casual yet refined designs, carefully selected material textures, and fine stitching have earned it a reputation among discerning buyers.


A manufacturer that specializes in headwear, from your standard baseball cap to fashion items such as knits to athletic gear like helmets. More recently, Skalop has made a push into funkier designs as they continue to evolve and garner attention.


A street-fashion brand that integrates art, music, and other culture into their primary focus: athletic casualwear. Enperry's playful, sassy lineup skillfully walks the line between fierce and comfortable, retro and cutting-edge.


A trendsetting global company that produces a range of gear for beginners and pros alike, paving the way for other brands to follow. As the official brand of Turf War, SquidForce puts effort into training up pros and maintaining venues.


Street-brand royalty. Firefin's range included not just style essentials like hoodies and caps but also more chic items like bell hats and sun visors. Right before they merged with Zekko, their FishFry merch went out of stock in every store.


A select brand targeted at astute buyers who don't bow to the latest trends. Forge offers everything from authentic military fashion to functional, stylish headgear. One theory is that their lineup is actually created by their CEO, for their CEO, whose interests run the gamut.


An athleticwear brand known for their sneakers. Their uniquely stylish clothes and footwear, made with proprietary technology, are fashion staples. Sneakerheads flock to Takoroka stores on day one, forming long lines to snag their new products.


This new label is the result of a merger between two leading streetwear brands, Zekko and Firefin. In addition to carrying on the original brands' underlying hip-hop and skater culture, Z+F offers its own poppy, colorful clothing line.


This manufacturer comes from the western Splatlands, famous for sea sponges. The region's harsh climate demands high-performance gear, and Barazushi's is second to none. Their monster parka, made with ultrafine fiber sponge, is just one example.


This rising brand was born on the streets of Splatsville and quickly gained traction with Inkling youth. Its mission: reject and destroy the established order and common sense. Emberz uses every material out there to cook up its apparel, serving an umami-packed hotpot of ideas.

Toni Kensa

An eponymous brand known for its unique monotone look and simple, structured designs. It feels like just yesterday that Toni Kensa captured the attention of fashionistas with its new line that combined urban sophistication with rugged attitude.
