
This is the path
I chose.

Corrin (Avatar)

  • Starting Class: Nohr Prince
  • Starting Weapon: Sword
Fire Emblem Fates


Birthplace: Hoshido (Raised in Nohr)
Title: Prince of Nohr

Though raised as the third child in the kingdom of Nohr's royal family, he was actually born a prince of Nohr's sworn enemy, Hoshido.
As a young child, he was abducted from Hoshido by Nohr's king, Garon—but while he was an unwitting prisoner in Nohr, his childhood was a happy one, surrounded by a family who treated him as one of their own.
One day, while on patrol near the border, he is ambushed by Hoshidan forces and taken back to the kingdom of his birth. Soon after learning the truth of where he came from, he is forced to choose a side in the brewing conflict between the kingdom he was born to and the kingdom that raised him.

Has the most hidden potential.

Corrin finds himself torn between two families. On one side are his siblings in Hoshido, who have long awaited his return; on the other are his siblings in Nohr, who have always loved him no matter where he came from.
Both families stand to benefit from having him on their side, as he possesses not only great skill, but tremendous strength of character as well. Over the course of his journey, Corrin becomes a capable leader who continually demonstrates the ability to see the best in people, as well as to forgive and even trust his enemies.
The blood of the First Dragons runs thick in Corrin's veins, allowing him to use a dragonstone to transform into a powerful white dragon on the battlefield.

Appears in:

  • Fire Emblem Fates

  • Fire Emblem Heroes

Also appears in:

  • Fire Emblem Warriors

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