
I feel as though
I just woke from an awful nightmare...


  • Starting Class: Manakete
  • Starting Weapon: Dragonstone
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light


Race: Divine Dragon

Tiki was quite lonely when she first woke from her long, deep slumber. In his sympathy, her guardian Bantu decided to introduce her to the outside world, where she spent a decade living among humans. But one day, after being separated from Bantu, she was abducted by the Dark Pontifex, Gharnef, who seized control of her mind and forced her to confront Marth and his army in the Fane of Raman.
After Bantu's pleas brought Tiki back to her senses, she joined Marth's company and became lifelong friends with them. She still had a lot to learn, however—despite her age, she only had the life experience of a ten-year-old child.

Title: Princess

Princess Tiki is the daughter of Naga, ruler of the Divine Dragon tribe of manaketes who live on the continent of Archanea. She is the last living member of a royal line plagued by degeneration—a condition which causes Divine Dragons to lose their sanity and devolve into violent beasts. To protect the young princess from this fate, Naga placed Tiki into a long and lonely sleep to keep her power from spiraling out of control. Since waking from that sleep, however, Tiki has shown a warmth toward humanity beyond what is typical for her kind. Her kindness can be seen in the affectionate nicknames she gives others, such as "Ban-Ban" for Bantu and "Mar-Mar" for Marth.

Also appears in:

  • Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

  • Fire Emblem Warriors

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