Compatible with Toy-Con™

This game supports the cardboard Toy-Con controller.

Compatible with Toy-Con™

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is compatible with the Toy-Con Car. Get the full driving experience! Use the handle to fly around corners, put your foot on the pedal to accelerate, and really floor it to drift! Up to four people can play at the same time using the Toy-Con Car.

* A software update is required.

* You can set up the controller from the LABO icon in the menu.

  • Instructions

Compatible with Toy-Con™

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is compatible with the Toy-Con Bike. Feel as though you're sitting in your character's driving seat, right in the middle of the action! Up to four people can play at the same time using the Toy-Con Bike.

* A software update is required.

* You can set up the controller from the LABO icon in the menu.

  • Instructions