A Light in the Dark
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──We cannot choose in this unfair world. The rich boy stuck in his never changing daily life...The fierce girl struggling for survival...Two lives that will soon converge.
──We cannot choose in this unfair world.
Hao-Chen Jiang did not understand what it was when he opened his eyes. Before him was a dim and dreary room that he had not seen before. Trying to get up to turn on the lights, he finds that his arms are tied behind him and that is when he realizes that he's been kidnapped. It is then that a mysterious girl appears before him and with a look of disdain tells him that he's been kidnapped and unless his family agrees to pay a ransom he has no chance to escape. But perhaps there is more to this than just money...
The rich boy stuck in his never changing daily life...
The fierce girl struggling for survival...
Two people in totally opposite positions in life.
During his days of imprisonment, they will learn of a world they were never aware of which will crumble away at their deep-rooted prejudices. In the face of confusion and the choices before them, what will they find...?
A Light in the Dark is an original visual novel game from the creative minds of CreSpirit, Storia and Narrator. Featuring interactive elements to push the story forward, examine your surroundings and formulate a plan to escape but beware of your stamina!
This edition of the game also features the voice talents of Kubo Yurika and Ichinose Kana as the voices of the older girl and the younger girl.
Descrição fornecida pela empresa responsável pelo software.
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Modos de jogo compatíveis
Informações do produto
Data de lançamento
Número de jogadores
Classificação Indicativa
Modos de jogo compatíveis
Tamanho do arquivo do jogo
Idiomas compatíveis
Jogue online, acesse os jogos clássicos do NES™ e Super NES™, e muito mais com uma assinatura Nintendo Switch Online.
Este jogo é compatível com:Dados salvos na nuvem
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ATENÇÃO: qualquer pessoa que sofra de epilepsia ou tenha sofrido uma convulsão, perda de consciência ou outro sintoma associado a uma condição epiléptica, ou outras reações incomuns provocadas por flashes ou padrões de luz, deve consultar um médico antes de jogar videogames. Todos os usuários devem ler as informações de saúde e segurança disponíveis nas configurações do console antes de utilizar o software.
Uma assinatura do Nintendo Switch Online (vendida separadamente) é necessária para a funcionalidade de cópia de segurança na nuvem.
© Crespirit co. Ltd/STORIA