Ayakashi: Romance Reborn Dawn Chapter & Twilight Chapter
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Stand and fight for a love 1,000 years in the making.
The Story:
The city is under attack by the Wraith scourge! Only you and your handsome Ayakashi comrades have the power to protect those you love!
What are the Wraiths?
What is this Kagura Bell Wand?
Who is pulling the strings from the shadows?
Unlock the mysteries behind this epic adventure, and win the heart of the man you love! Do you have what it takes to save the day?! Stand and fight for a love 1,000 years in the making.
Koga Kitamikado "The Fearless Man with a Strong Love for the Capital" CV: Jun Fukuyama
Kuya "The Lazy Misfit" CV: Takuma Terashima
Ginnojo "The Aloof Former Soldier" CV: Yuuichirou Umehara
Aoi "The Hot-and-Cold Busybody" CV: Shun Horie
Yura "The Eccentric "Whisperer of Death" CV: Takuma Nagatsuka
Toichiro Yuri "The Sly Fox of Noble Blood" CV: Kenji Nojima
Shizuki "The Caretaker with an Icy Demeanor" CV: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Kuro "The Unreserved Circus Performer" CV: Yoshiki Nakajima
Oji "The Hopeless Cafe Proprietor" CV: Yoshimasa Hosoya
Gaku "The Brother who Shoulders Yura's Curse" CV: Sho Nogami
The Nintendo Switch™ version contains only the Dawn & Twilight Chapters,
plus the brand new "Sweet Rewards" Romance Sonnets.
*These stories are not fully voiced. Character voices are connected to important passages in the stories.
Descrição fornecida pela empresa responsável pelo software.
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Modos de jogo compatíveis
Informações do produto
Data de lançamento
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Classificação Indicativa
Modos de jogo compatíveis
Tamanho do arquivo do jogo
Idiomas compatíveis
Jogue online, acesse os jogos clássicos do NES™ e Super NES™, e muito mais com uma assinatura Nintendo Switch Online.
Este jogo é compatível com:Dados salvos na nuvem
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