Nintendo Switch

Concordia: Digital Edition - Salsa

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Concordia: Digital Edition

Concordia: Digital Edition

An official DLC to Concordia: Digital Edition adding two new maps - Byzantium and Hispania - and Salt - a new trading good!

This expansion contains two additional maps - Byzantium and Hispania - and a new trading Good - Salt, and a new Forum mechanic. The additions are modular and optional, and serve to add variety and new challenges to the game.

Salt is the most valuable of all the trading Goods and can serve as a wild card - supplement any other Good in any trade.
Forum introduces a set of bonus Cards that can provide either ongoing or situational bonuses throughout the game.
Byzantium is a 28 City map with 10 Provinces and no new mechanics.
Hispania is a 23 City map with 9 Provinces and no new mechanics.

Spice up your Concordia games today!

Descrição fornecida pela empresa responsável pelo software.

Concordia: Digital Edition - Salsa

Classificação Indicativa

Informações do produto

Data de lançamento

14 de março de 2022

Classificação Indicativa

Tamanho do arquivo do jogo

3 MB