Nintendo Switch

Demolish Derby Nitro-Battle Driving Car Games 2022 Deluxe Driver

Preço normal:R$ 49,99

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Choose one from the many cars available! Complete challenging stunts and challenges! Realistic car crashing mechanics and physics!

Are you looking for a game where you can have fun destroying your vehicle? Speed up and go crazy in the newest driving game with realistic physics, “Demolish Derby Nitro” ! While the majority of racing games are about speeding through levels and overtaking your opponents, this game is all about destroying your car!
Get behind the wheel of one of the many available cars and make your way through the world ! Complete challenging stunts and tracks, while completely destroying and wrecking your car in the process! Experience realistic vehicle physics in a mobile game! Our engine carefully simulates every component of the vehicle in real time, resulting in realistic car crashes and damage! The world is big and full of different ways to turn your car into a pie! Ramps, walls, spikes and more! Demolish Derby Nitro features simple intuitive controls that is perfect for an younger audience, however the realistic graphics and fun crashing mechanics will keep older fans intrigued too.
- Realistic and simulated car crashing mechanics
- Realistic physics that will affect your gameplay
- Great looking visuals and sound design
- A big world where you can have fun wrecking your vehicle
- Many cars to choose from and have fun!

Descrição fornecida pela empresa responsável pelo software.

Classificação Indicativa

Modos de jogo compatíveis




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Informações do produto

Data de lançamento

1 de setembro de 2022

Número de jogadores



Classificação Indicativa

Modos de jogo compatíveis

Modo portátil

Tamanho do arquivo do jogo

390 MB

Idiomas compatíveis


Jogue online, acesse os jogos clássicos do NES™ e Super NES™, e muito mais com uma assinatura Nintendo Switch Online.

Este jogo é compatível com:Dados salvos na nuvem

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