Nintendo Switch

Mob Control: Champions

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Para jogar é necessário:

Mob Control

Mob Control

Grow your card collection in the armory with Knight mobs, Explodon champions and a new Rocket Barrage ultimate!

With this DLC you will unlock:

- new Knight mobs that fight with the strength of many Normie mobs thanks to a large amount of health and strength
- new Explodon champion with Jump & Crush primary skill and Final Boom area skill
- new Rocket Barrage ultimate which nukes your enemies with bombs!
- additional 12 booster packs with cards
- extra 25000 coins to spend on upgrading your cards in the armory

Launch your new mobs, grow a massive army, and when it gets tough, use your new ultimate to finish off the enemy!

Descrição fornecida pela empresa responsável pelo software.

Mob Control: Champions

Classificação Indicativa

Compras on-line

Informações do produto

Data de lançamento

8 de dezembro de 2023

Tamanho do arquivo do jogo

3 MB