Nintendo Switch

Mystical Mixing: Wand and frog

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Mystical Mixing

Mystical Mixing

Ribbit! Only a worthy adept of magic can harness the power of this wand!

Obtain the most powerful wand and create stronger Mixies. Or maybe throw a frog in the cauldron and see what features your new pet will have...
With this DLC you can do both, plus you'll get 15 speedup potions to help your Mixies explore the island and find treasures even faster.

Descrição fornecida pela empresa responsável pelo software.

Mystical Mixing: Wand and frog

Classificação Indicativa

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Informações do produto

Data de lançamento

26 de maio de 2023

Classificação Indicativa

Tamanho do arquivo do jogo

3 MB