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"Additional character" World's Greatest Engineer, Air Raider (EDF5) Civilian Outfit: Reskin
This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase.
Required to play:
Adds the character "Air Raider (EDF5) Civilian Outfit."
Allows you to fight in a "civilian engineer" reskin.
Equipment, Abilities, and SP Moves are the same as "Air Raider (EDF5)," but SP Gauge charges faster.
Software description provided by the publisher.
ESRB rating
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WARNING: If you have epilepsy or have had seizures or other unusual reactions to flashing lights or patterns, consult a doctor before playing video games. All users should read the Health and Safety Information available in the system settings before using this software.
We also have "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS 2 Deluxe Edition" and "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS 2 Season Pass" which include this item. Please be careful not to purchase more than one copy.
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