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Nintendo Switch

"Bahari Locks" hairstyle

Regular Price:$1.49

Eligible for up to 8 Gold Points

This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase.

Required to play:

Monster Hunter Rise

Matching hairstlye with Bahari, the genius Scientist from Elgado outpost!

This additional content includes:

- "Bahari Locks" hairstyle

Matching hairstlye with Bahari, the genius Scientist from Elgado outpost!

Change up your hunter's look with this special appearance option!

- Hairstyles can be applied by selecting Change Appearance in the Item Box. It can also be used while creating a character.
- This item changes the appearance of the character without affecting their stats and abilities.

Software description provided by the publisher.

Product information

Release date

April 19, 2023


ESRB rating

Game file size

3 MB