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Nintendo Switch

XALADIA: Rise of the Space Pirates X2 - Gun Weapons Pack

Regular Price:$4.99

Eligible for up to 25 Gold Points

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Required to play:

XALADIA: Rise of the Space Pirates X2

It has different characteristics from existing weapons and offers new tactical options.Choose the one that best suits your style of play!

New Weapons DLC has been released!

This DLC will release the following five new weapons

・Fireworks gun: Shoots firework projectiles that explode in mid-air.
・Homing gun: bullets automatically track and aim at the enemy.
・Drill gun: fires a high-speed rotating drill that penetrates the enemy.
・Fruit gun: fires exploding fruit.
・DMR: High-power, accurate single-shot rifle.

Annihilate the aliens at once with the new weapon!

Software description provided by the publisher.

Product information

Release date

October 19, 2023


ESRB rating

Game file size

3 MB