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Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda – Secrets Series - Part 3

Part 3: Secret Button Commands

At long last, it’s launch day for the Game & Watch™: The Legend of Zelda™ system!

Over the past two articles, we’ve introduced a few hidden elements and secrets related to the system. For this final installment, we’ll clue you in on some handy button commands (often called “cheat codes” back in the day) that should be fun to play around with. With a few specific button presses, you can unlock some special modes and settings to help make the most of your games!

■ The Legend of Zelda

■ Full Hearts

When starting a new game, select a play file then try pressing and holding the A button for five seconds. Do this, and Link will begin his perilous quest with the maximum number of hearts! If you find yourself getting stuck or just want to beat the game quickly, this may be the trick for you.

Press and hold the A button on this screen...

...and start with full hearts!

And worry not! If you start the game without using this hidden command, pressing and holding the A button for five seconds on the Game Over screen before restarting will let Link resume his quest with full hearts.

If the going ever gets a little too tough, don’t forget you’ve got this powerful trick in your back pocket.

■Defeating Pols Voice

English Version

In the English version of the game, these hopping mouse-like creatures are quite resistant to Link’s sword but can be defeated with a single hit from a certain “long-range item.”

Japanese Version

In the original game’s release for the Famicom Disk System in Japan, these big-eared brutes could be vanquished by making a noise near the microphone on the player 2 controller (did you know one of the Famicom’s controllers had a microphone?!). As there’s no microphone to be found on this system, rumor has it that pressing and holding a certain button while playing the Japanese version of the game will topple Pols Voice in the same way. “Just what button exactly?” you may be wondering. I’m afraid you’ll have to figure that out for yourself!

■ Second Quest

After completing The Legend of Zelda, you’ll be able to embark on the Second Quest. In this remixed version of the game, dungeon layouts and locations have been changed, and the difficulty has been increased in numerous ways, making for a truly heroic challenge. If you’re feeling up to the task, you can access the Second Quest right away by entering “ZELDA” as the name of your play file.

If Link has his sword raised on this screen, you'll be playing the challenging Second Quest.

An image of the Second Quest's first dungeon. Dungeon layouts are different, and monsters are more deadly...

■ Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Maximum Everything!

When starting a new game, select a play file then press and hold the A button for five seconds. When the game begins, Link’s LIFE gauge will be at its highest level. What’s more, his ATTACK and MAGIC gauges will be maxed out, too. He’ll also have access to all his magic spells and abilities from the get-go, including the jump thrust and downward thrust.

Press and hold the A button on this screen...

...and Link will start with all his gauges at level 8, and with access to all his magic!

You can also press and hold the A button for five seconds on the Game Over screen before restarting your game to get this same benefit when continuing your adventure.

One thing that’s not a secret is the high level of difficulty of this sequel to The Legend of Zelda. If you or someone you know has given up before beating the game in the past, give it one more go with this powerful trick to aid you.

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening

Full Hearts

As with the other two games, when starting a new game, select a play file then press and hold the A button for five seconds. Pressing A here will cause the game to start right away, but hold the button until you hear an audio cue! Once Link leaves Tarin’s house, he’ll begin his journey with the maximum number of heart containers. In addition, when Link recovers his sword from the shore, it will already be powered up to Level 2, making battling all the easier!

Press and hold the A button on this screen...

...and start with full hearts and a Level 2 sword!

If you began your adventure using this button command for full hearts, you can also press and hold the A button on the Game Over screen before restarting the game to continue playing with full hearts. (Link normally restarts the game with only three hearts.)

However, unlike the other two games, if you start a new game without using this trick, you won’t be able to begin using it midway through your adventure.

Screen Size Settings

One feature unique to The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is the ability to choose between two screen size options: Full Size or Original Size. Full Size displays the game using the entire Game & Watch screen while Original Size uses the aspect ratio of the original Game Boy™ version.

Full Size

Original Size

Manual Game Save

With Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda, if you turn off the system or switch to another game or the clock while playing, you can return to that game and pick up right where you left off.

However, some people just like to save their game after playing or prefer always starting off a play session from the title screen, and we get that. For The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, and The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, we’ve included a button command that lets you save your game manually, and then returns you to the title screen.

To give it a try, press and hold the following buttons at the same time: A, B, Select, and Start .

This manual save command can be used at slightly different times depending on the game being played. See below for details:

The Legend of Zelda

  • Any time the sub screen is open.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

  • Any time while traveling on the overworld.

  • When the sub screen is open while in a town or on a battle screen.

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening

  • Any time while playing.

■ Vermin (Starring Link)

In this version of the Game & Watch classic, Vermin, you’ll move Link to the left and right and clobber monsters as they reach you. There are two standard game modes, GAME A and GAME B, with different difficulty levels, but by pressing and holding the A button for five seconds on the title screen, you can play the hidden (and extra hard) GAME C.

Perfection is everything in GAME C, where a single slip up results in a Game Over. The game’s speed also shoots up quite quickly, making it a mode recommended for those wanting to test their skills in a short amount of time. How high a score can you reach?

■ Sleep Mode Secrets

Finally, while this isn’t a hidden button command, we want to share one more secret we hope you’ll check out. The Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda system will automatically enter sleep mode if no buttons are pressed for three minutes, and when that happens you might catch a glimpse of some special images.

(The system won’t enter sleep mode when plugged into its charging cable, or if the mode has been disabled via the clock settings.)

Sleep mode image from The Legend of Zelda

Sleep mode image from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

The image you’ll see when the system enters sleep mode differs depending on the game being played, and what was occurring at the time. There are 11 sleep mode images in total. Think you can see them all?

Well, what did you think of this selection of hidden commands and elements?

The launch day for Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda has finally arrived. Whether at home or on the go, we hope you’ll enjoy your time with this “legendary” collectable system!

Earn 300 Platinum Points

My Nintendo members who purchase Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda will also earn 300 My Nintendo Platinum Points*. These points can be claimed by entering the My Nintendo Points code included with the system while logged into your Nintendo Account on the My Nintendo website. (Points can be claimed until November 30, 2023.)

What are Platinum Points?

My Nintendo Platinum Points can be earned for using various services or as a prize for certain promotions or tournaments. These points can be redeemed for any reward that requires Platinum Points.

*A Nintendo Account is required to receive and redeem points. Terms apply: https://accounts.nintendo.com/term_point