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Get the scoop on Metroid Prime Remastered with our Rapid Rundown

The Metroid Prime™ Remastered game is out now, and you can see what some critics are saying by watching the video above. No prob if you want to watch first and get back to reading after.

~patiently waits~

OK, are y’all back? If you’ve heard the name “Metroid Prime” but don’t know what all the fuss is about, let’s help with a Rapid Rundown. That’s where we give you a rundown of a game in an, uh, rapid kind of way (what you see is what you get around here).

Let’s get to it!

So, what’s the big deal?

Back in the day, playing a Metroid game meant that you were playing a 2D game. You controlled a galactic bounty hunter named Samus Aran, guiding her to explore isolated sci-fi settings, gain powerful abilities, and blast through nasty creatures like the Metroids themselves. In particular, the Super Metroid™ game is beloved by old-school 2D platformer fans, while newer games like Metroid Dread continue that 2D tradition.

The original Metroid Prime game was special because it took that 2D series and brought it into 3D for the first time. The “special” part is that it did it in such a way that preserved the exploration, platforming, and moody atmosphere that the series is known for.

Platforming? Wait, I thought this was a shooter?

Well, there’s plenty of shooting, so don’t worry about that! But first and foremost this game is about exploring an alien planet as Samus herself.

The planet Tallon IV often feels like a giant, interconnected puzzle that you’re trying to figure out—you’ll explore the diverse depths until you find an ability that may be the key to solving a weird looking puzzle that you may have passed earlier.

You are an explorer in this game…who also happens to be one of the deadliest bounty hunters in the galaxy.

Got it. So what’s new in Metroid Prime Remastered?

If you compare the original game next to the remastered one, you’ll see and hear the difference right away—the remastered graphics and sound modernize the game while retaining the atmosphere.

Much care also went into the controller options: We highly suggest trying out the newly added dual-stick in-game controls, but there are also options that are more in line with the original Nintendo GameCube system’s or Wii system’s control schemes. You can also adjust your controls in different ways, such as adding gyro support to the dual-stick setup. The menu is also where you can find options for the Hint System, Color Assist, and other gameplay tweaks. You can also turn on English voiceover narration in the Sound menu—this narration wasn’t present in the original North American release, so it may be new to you!

Finally, newer fans can start the game on a Casual difficulty setting for a less intense experience, and everyone can enjoy newly added Gallery unlocks such as artwork.

What if I’m new to first-person games?

We know that first-person games aren’t for everyone, but this one might be a good introduction. If the game feels too difficult, the aforementioned Casual difficulty setting will help. Also, remember that you can lock on to enemies when shooting to make things a bit easier.

The first-person view does add a lot to the atmosphere—after all, the whole idea is that you’re exploring a mysterious planet in Samus’ Power Suit. Raindrops will hit the suit’s visor as you look up, you can scan bits of your environment to learn about the flora and fauna, and there will be quiet moments when you can just take it all in. Just don’t get let your guard down too much—Tallon IV isn’t the friendliest of places.

Any tips for beginners?

Of course!

  • The map is your best friend. Please remember that you won’t always be able to get everything in a room or reach every area when you first enter it. Refer to your map often and take note on which areas have been fully explored or not. Map Stations will also update map data when you step into the hologram, making exploration easier.

  • Scan early and scan often! When you enter a room or area:

    • Make sure you’re safe by clearing out enemies

    • Use your scan visor to get additional hints or extra text about your surroundings.

    • Oh, and you should definitely scan bosses to learn a bit more about their weaknesses.

  • Don’t forget to save often! Staying true to the original Metroid Prime game, there is no auto-save in this version —you’ll need to visit a Save Station or your gunship to save. Luckily, you will find Save Stations throughout your adventure. As you’re exploring, be on the lookout for small, inconspicuous side rooms. These rooms will also replenish your energy in case you find yourself in a spotty situation.

If you’d like to buy the digital version of the game, please visit the link below. A physical version was also released in case you’re interested.