Rebuilding humanity, huh? We’ve got a couple tips to get started!
After an intergalactic war destroys Earth, a small number of survivors escape, crash landing on the vast planet Mira. As the newest member of BLADE, it’s up to you to help keep your fellow BLADE members safe, protect the budding city, and help recover the rest of Earth’s survivors.
In the Xenoblade Chronicles™ X: Definitive Edition game, you’ll embark on an adventure through a massive, sci-fi world. And if you played the original version of the game, you may even notice the newly added story elements!
You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you. But once you’ve proven yourself, you’ll earn the right to pilot and personalize your very own Skell—a giant, weaponized robot. With customizable weapons and armor, these massive combat weapons can zoom through the sky, transform into vehicles, and wield immense strength in combat.
To make sure you get the most out of your adventure, we’ve got a few tips for you! You can check out the video above and read through our quick guide below.
Good luck out there, recruits!
Welcome to Mira!
Beautiful and untamed, Mira is a dangerous—though hopeful—place. Whether you’re moseying through the city or trying to complete a mission, exploration will be extremely important to your success.
FrontierNav sites
One of your first assignments will be to find and activate a FrontierNav site. These sites are found throughout Mira, so keep an eye out for a thin pillar of light shooting straight up to the sky. That’s your point!
Your map is segmented into smaller, hexagonal areas. FrontierNav sites will be marked with a small drill-like icon. As you start unlocking more of these sites, location details will start to fill in, allowing you to fast travel to unlocked sites and landmarks. But you’ll want to remember to install a probe!
You see, probes have a very important use: gathering resources. Different probes offer different benefits, but do so automatically once they’re installed. For example, mining probes will gather precious resources and material called Miranium. Having a passive source of income will come in super handy once it comes time to start buying items or parts!
While you’re out and about…
As the latest recruit, you’re going to have a lot to do. But be on the lookout for anyone that may need help. Completing missions can be useful—you can earn credits, improve your relationships, or find items that will be helpful in the long run.
While you’re out, you may see small glowing crystals that you can pick up. These can be items or resources that you can scoop up along the way. Did somebody say free goodies? You bet!
You can have multiple missions active at the same time, so don’t hesitate to pick up additional ones as they become available. And don’t worry about taking on too much at once—you’ll have a list of all open missions. Just head over to the Main Menu and select Missions to get all the details.
Time for battle!
Now to the good stuff!
See that monster making a fuss? If you target an enemy and draw your weapon, you’ll automatically start attacking said enemy once you get close to it. These auto attacks are relatively weak compared to some other attacks, but we’ll talk about those in a sec. From close quarter combat to ranged, these basic attacks will depend on whatever weapons you have equipped.
Arts, on the other hand, are powerful special attacks that can really make a dent in an enemy’s health. There are four different kinds of Arts:
Melee Arts: Deals damage when close to an enemy
Ranged Arts: Deals damage from afar
Support Arts: Can heal and/or enhance abilities
Debuff Arts: Weakens enemy attributes
Your equipped Arts will be displayed at the bottom of your screen. To perform one, just select the Art you want to use. Arts can deal more damage when you’re able to execute them in a specific order.
Keep in mind that each Art has a cooldown period, so you’ll have to wait for it to be ready to use again unless you use Quick Cooldown. Quick Cooldown makes an Art immediately ready to use again, but also uses reserve energy to do so. You’ll need to be careful how much you use Quick Cooldown or else you might find yourself in a heap of trouble.
With such a massive game, there’s definitely a lot more to cover. Keep an eye out for even more tips!