Step into the boots of Grayson Hunt, an exiled member of the elite assassin group Dead Echo, after a battle with his former general sends them both crash landing on the abandoned resort planet of Stygia.
Grayson must brave the wasteland on his way to confronting the man that once ordered him to do the unthinkable. Will he get his team out alive? Or will he finally quench his thirst for revenge?
Battle your way through throngs of Stygia’s less-than-hospitable hosts, performing masterful kills throughout the single-player campaign using Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition’s unique Skillshot system that rewards you for executing the most creative and deadly kills imaginable.
Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition also includes Duke Nukem’s Bulletstorm Tour. Play through the entire Bulletstorm campaign as Duke Nukem, the original FPS action hero, featuring brand-new lines from the original voice of Duke!
This description was provided by the publisher.
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© 2019 PCF Group Sp. z o.o., People Can Fly, Sp. z o.o. People Can Fly, Bulletstorm and the People Can Fly logos are registered trademarks, and the Bulletstorm logos are trademarks, all used courtesy of People Can Fly Sp. z o.o. Published and distributed by Gearbox Publishing. Gearbox, the Gearbox Software logo and Duke Nukem are registered trademarks, and the Gearbox Publishing logo is a trademark, all used courtesy of Gearbox Software, LLC. Unreal® is a registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2019, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.