
Show me your strength.

Black Knight

  • Starting Class: General
  • Starting Weapon: Sword
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance


Birthplace: Unknown
Title: General

One of the kingdom of Daein's Four Riders, this general's strength is extraordinary even by the standards of that elite group.
His true identity is unknown, as he is never seen outside the jet-black armor of his namesake, and not a soul in the Daein army knows where he came from.
In a skirmish with the Greil Mercenaries fleeing from Gallia, he overpowers and kills their leader, Greil. Greil's son, Ike, witnesses the deed, after which the two become lifelong rivals, clashing on numerous occasions.

A master swordsman who wields Alondite, the counterpart to Ragnell. Ashnard, king of Daein, recognizes his immense talent and entrusts him with a host of clandestine duties. With jet-black armor blessed by the goddess to make him impervious to any attack, and warp powder to move instantly to any location, he operates in the shadows across the entirety of Tellius.
His long-anticipated confrontation with Greil, the general without compare who taught him to wield a sword, ends much too soon for his liking; thus he seeks a worthy rival in Greil's son, Ike, with whom he clashes numerous times. After a mortal struggle, he is laid low and disappears beneath the rubble of the collapsing Nados Castle.

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