
Did you think the likes of you could be a worthy opponent for me?
Know your place.

Black Knight

  • Starting Class: Black Knight
  • Starting Weapon: Sword
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


Birthplace: Daein
Title: General of Daein Liberation Army

Ike's bitter enemy, clad in jet-black armor.
Disappears during the Mad King's War in the collapse of Nados Castle. Three years later, he suddenly appears before Micaiah, a girl who rose up against the oppressive rule of the Begnion Empire, and offers to lend his aid in restoring Daein.

His true identity is revealed to be Zelgius, a general of the Begnion Empire and servant to its prime minister, Sephiran.
Born to beorc and laguz parents as one of the feared Branded, he lived his early life in crippling isolation until Sephiran discovered him. Moved by the prime minister's words, Zelgius swore fealty to him as a knight, and from that point on worked in secret to make Sephiran's ambitions a reality.

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