Nintendo Switch

Pikmin™ 4

Pikmin™ 4

Pikmin™ 4

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"Your First Expedition with Pikmin" Trailer

Overview Trailer


Nintendo Direct 6.21.2023

"Venture Forth, Brave Explorer!" Trailer

Nintendo Direct 2.9.23

Guide pintsized creatures in a grand mission on a strange planet!

Meet Pikmin, small, plantlike creatures you can grow, pluck, command, and overpower your enemies with! These curious helpers come in different types—fire is no sweat for Red Pikmin and the brand-new Ice Pikmin can freeze enemies and the environment. Use your Pikmin’s miniature might (and a bit of strategy) to explore this mysterious planet.

You get a dog, too! Oatchi (pronounced oat-chee), resident good boy and dependable partner, can help with things like smashing obstacles and carrying Pikmin throughout your adventure. With the miniscule Pikmin and a capable canine in tow, no challenge is too big!

Lead your loyal and curious squad

To succeed, you’ll have to balance caring for the Pikmin with leading them into dangerous situations. Do your best out there!


Pikmin grow from pellets and wildlife that you can bring to your ship. Pluck them from the ground to have them join you. Go team!


Lead your squad through vast explorable areas to find treasures, discover new paths, and battle enemies of all sizes. You can also direct the Pikmin to collect and carry resources that are helpful for your mission. Up to three Pikmin types can be with you in the field at a time—the rest will hang back until you need them.


When their task is done, the Pikmin will wait in place for you. Get close and blow your whistle to summon them to your side! This handy action can also help you protect the Pikmin from danger, do a headcount, or simply bring them with you to your next task.

Meet the Pikmin

A mysterious mix of plant and animal, these creatures are loyal, clever, and ready to follow your lead.
Be sure to call forward the right ones for the job!

Red Pikmin
Blue Pikmin
Yellow Pikmin
Ice Pikmin
Glow Pikmin
Purple Pikmin
Rock Pikmin
Winged Pikmin
White Pikmin

Red Pikmin

Fire is no sweat to these feisty creatures. Red Pikmin make a strong first line of attack.

Blue Pikmin

Happy on land and in water. When the going gets wet, fling them into action to transport treasure or combat a creature.

Yellow Pikmin

Shockingly great at smashing electrified gates or directing currents. They can dig really well and get awesome air when thrown, too.

Ice Pikmin

These cool new buds can freeze enemies in their tracks. They can also freeze a body of water, allowing others to cross.

Glow Pikmin

These strange new Pikmin thrive in the dark, but can also turn into a ball of light so shiny, it can stun enemies!

Purple Pikmin

Whoa—a single Purple Pikmin has the strength and weight of 10 regular Pikmin! Because of this extra oomph, Purple Pikmin can stun enemies when thrown and carry heavier objects. It also makes them slower on their feet.

Rock Pikmin

These sturdy Pikmin are heavy and unbreakable—perfect for smashing crystals or dealing with large, stompy enemies.

Winged Pikmin

High-flying Pikmin that can carry stuff over water and lift obstructions. They’re also good at battling enemies that can fly.

White Pikmin

Careful—these speedy little ones are poisonous! On the plus side, they can take on toxic environments better than others.


Who’s a good Oatchi?
Oh, yes you are!

Resident good boy and dependable partner Oatchi can help get the job done throughout your adventure. You can even train this Rescue Pup to become more helpful!

With the Pikmin and a powerful pup at your side, no challenge is too big!


Your explorer and Pikmin can hop on Oatchi’s back for a ride. Plus, Oatchi can jump!

Clear obstacles

This pup is more than happy to create a path forward by digging and smashing through parts of the environment.

Go fetch

Oatchi can retrieve stuff and drag it back to where you need it. Drop. Droooooop. Good boy!

Divide and conquer

If you need to split up, you can give orders to Oatchi to take care of business elsewhere.



More from the world of

Watch charming Short Movies, read delightful manga-style comic strips, and more at the official Pikmin website.

This still from one of the Pikmin Short Movies shows a Red Pikmin after it has been launched up into the air.
This frame from one of the hand-illustrated comic strips shows three Pikmin thinking about what it would be like to walk on a rainbow of matching colors.