Super Mario Odyssey

November 30 2018, Friday

amiibo Features With This Title

Tapping a wedding outfit amiibo...

Not only earns you a wedding outfit for the character, it also gains you their help on your adventure!

Mario (Wedding Outfit)
Momentarily become invincible so you take no damage.

Peach (Wedding Outfit)
Get a Life-Up Heart that increases your maximum lives by three.

Bowser (Wedding Outfit)
See the location of regional coins.

Tapping other amiibo...

  • Gives you Power Moon hints from Uncle amiibo in each kingdom.
  • There might even be some amiibo that gain you special outfits...

Compatible amiibo

You can read all amiibo.
In addition to that, there are some features that are only supported when the following amiibo are read.
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