
Brain-flexing activities to flex

your brain

The selection of brain-flexing activities are
divided into five categories: Identify,
Memorize, Analyze, Compute, and Visualize.


You'll need instantaneous decision-making.
The key here is trusting your intuition and going with your gut.


Numbers and pictures, order and placement...
Commit the information you see to memory.


Read the rules and answer the problems.
Not over-thinking things can lead to flashes of insight.


Mental gymnastics, using numbers.
The calculations might be simple, but don't
underestimate the challenge posted by this Stretch activity!


Using the on-screen figures and shapes as hints,
form different combinations and utilize different
viewpoints in your mind, until you hit upon the answer.

You can also analyze your cumulative
Big Brain Brawn score in Test mode.
You can also analyze your cumulative Big Brain Brawn score in Test mode.

Once you've built up a big, brawny brain
in the Stretch activities, challenge yourself to Test mode.
Solve problems from five categories,
and analyze your Big Brain Brawn score.
You can figure out your strong and weak categories!

You can also regularly go through Test mode
to check how much your score is increasing by.




IdentifyWhack Match

Whack the mole with the matching picture.

IdentifySpecies Spotlight

Which animal is there more of?
Look around with the spotlight.

IdentifyFrame Filler

Which piece belongs in the ? box?
Pay attention to movement.

IdentifyFast Focus

What is this a picture of?
How fast can you figure it out?

MemorizeFlash Memory

Memorize the numbers and symbols.
Repeat them before you forget.


Memorize the picture on the card before it flips.
Which one was it?

MemorizeReverse Retention

Remember the order and answer in reverse.

MemorizeCovered Cages

Where are the birds?
Make the cages go faster if you're up for it.


Count the number of cubes.
Try to find the best counting method.


Which one is heaviest?
Don't let looks trick you.

AnalyzeMatch Blast

Break blocks to create the same shape as the example on top.

AnalyzeSpeed Sorting

Which picture fits the description?
There could be more than one answer.

ComputeAdd Agency

Choose 2 cards that add up to the number shown at the top.

ComputeMallet Math

Whack the blocks you don't need
to leave behind the correct total.

ComputeTick-Tock Turn

Rotate the clock hands to match the time.

ComputeBalloon Burst

Pop the balloons in order from lowest to highest.

VisualizeGet In Shape

Pick the pieces that complete the puzzle.

VisualizeShadow Shift

Find the pictures that match the shadows.

VisualizeTrain Turn

Add the missing tracks to get the train to the exit.

VisualizeTrue View

How would it look if you looked at it from the direction of the arrow.