"- Wife Attack! - 人妻アタック!" is a novel game in which the protagonist, Takuma Toomi, wrestles with his feelings for the older, married women in his life.
A Bishojo Game released in 2017 under the "IncaRose" brand has been reworked for the "PandaShojo" platform for players around the world to enjoy.
You'll be alright.
She wraps me in her warm embrace, I feel the soft touch of her hair on my face.
It was at that exact moment that I'd fallen in love.
Older women are what I needed.
There wasn't anything I could do to change how I felt.
Takuma Toomi of the Manzai club is well known for his energetic greetings.
Good morning Mrs. Shiho, you're as pretty as ever!
Shiho Iizuka lives next door and was married to a recently popular TV personality.
Though she usually just laughs his approaches off, Takuma had made a point of greeting her whenever they met.
In fact, he'd only entered the Manzai club in an effort to emulate Shiho's husband.
Though Takuma only has eyes for older women, Shiho wasn't the only target of his affections.
He'd already been turned down by his math teacher, Aki Tokie.
And then there was his Manzai partner's mother, Sanae Miyauchi.
What can Takuma do to get closer to the women he admires?
No matter who he chooses, it's going to be an uphill battle......!
・Shiho Iizuka
You sure have grown up, Takuma. Is that a little muscle I'm starting to see on you now?
The housewife who lives next door. She's kind and pretty, but unfortunately she's already married.
She once protected Takuma from being bullied and he's spent every day since then trying to win her affections.
It seems that she's being abused by her husband, the recently famous TV personality, Gorongoro Dobazaki.
・Sanae Miyauchi
I don't suppose he's here for me? Oh, who am I kidding?
The beautiful mother of Kouya, Takuma's best friend.
Of course, Takuma and Kouya got along well to begin with, but they probably wouldn't have become as close as they did if Takuma wasn't infatuated with Sanae.
She can play the Viola and also teaches a handicrafts class.
・Aki Tokie
I need Takuma to come to school for supplementary math lessons......
A math teacher at Takuma's school. She was also his homeroom teacher during his freshman year.
Takuma confessed his feelings to her, but was rejected due to the age gap.
Unable to focus on his studies due to her beauty, Takuma is roped into taking remedial lessons.
・Takuma Toomi
A student who can only have romantic feelings for women around the same age as his mother.
Unfortunately for him, he clams up and has trouble speaking around them.
He's formed a Manzai act together with his friend Kouya, uploading videos under the handle "Giesselbach's Area."
Diese Beschreibung wurde vom Publisher bereitgestellt.
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