A neon-lit dystopian cityscape becomes the stage for thrilling adventure and deep yuri romance in this cyberpunk-themed visual novel. The complex personalities and experiences of more than 20 characters are interwoven across multiple paths and possible endings. Your choices matter, not only to you, but to all those with whom you struggle to connect.
Cila, a veteran cop with a sour outlook and anger issues expects nothing more from life besides the smell of ozone, blinding neon lights and the ever-present manhole steam. That is, until a shady friend replaces her broken-down housedroid as a favour. Advanced, more efficient and remarkably perceptive, unit M.A.R.A. begins to penetrate Cila's toughened exterior and possibly even heal her new owner's old wounds – if Cila can decipher the recurring nightmare the process brings. Soon Cila and Mara forge a unique, if sometimes uneasy bond.
Unbeknownst to Cila, just as her life begins to find its new normal, the technological giant Velta Labs gets wind of Mara's existence and takes a mysterious interest in the android. A war unlike any before is brewing on the horizon, its players are silently being selected and one android's fate may spell the difference between peace, war, the blossoming of a new religion or a technological singularity beyond comprehension.
Plus, one year after the events of the Synergia Incident, Cila and Mara's lives have drastically changed, as have the lives of all those around them. This edition includes SUNRISE, a small glimpse into their future outside of The Empire, and the repercussions of their actions during the main game.
Bathed in the ultraviolet lights of the European Travel Union, Yu, the Emperor's right-hand, prepares to reunite with the reviled Cila and Mara and finally settle things with The Empire's most wanted terrorist: Yoko.
• Journey through a cyberpunk setting of neon-lit corruption.
• Explore 100s of unique backgrounds and CGs between SUNRISE & the main game
• Meet 20+ characters with personal histories woven into the narrative.
• Experience a vivid soundtrack composed by Andy Andi Han.
• Make key choices that impact the story and lead to multiple endings.
• Features in-game artbook & bonus comic, with 64 pages of content
• In-game Music Room featuring the full OST
• Includes the full "SUNRISE" expansion
• High resolution graphical remaster
Diese Beschreibung wurde vom Publisher bereitgestellt.
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