This is the sequel to "Xanadu" released in 1985 in Japan. Like its prevous title, it is a side-view action RPG. The player once again sets out to defeat the King Dragon "Galsis," who has been resurrected despite having been defeated before.
The combat system features real-time weapon attacks through physical contact and manually guided magic. The game retains the dual experience points system for warriors and mages, allowing players to develop their characters' unique traits based on which experience points they focus on. Additionally, weapons, armor, and magic have their own experience points, increasing in effectiveness with use. While these systems follow the previous game's mechanics, this installment introduces new elements such as traps with upside-down icicles, poison that doesn't decrease karma when consumed, maps requiring high action skills, new bosses, and monsters. These features elevate the difficulty to a level that many RPG fans will find challenging and satisfying.
Among Japanese PC games, this title boasts a significantly high difficulty level. Despite its challenge, the game's addictive fun can only be described as superb.
*The main game and gallery screen (*Gallery) are in Japanese version.
*Other menu screens and "How to play" screens are in English.
This description was provided by the publisher.
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