Upyo! How's everyone been?
SUNSOFT's Ufouria is back!
- An authentic evolution of the original ""Ufouria""!
Rampage through the fluffy feltwork arts-and-crafts recreation of the world of Ufouria, with your trusty crew from the original game in this exploration-based action side-scroller. Of course, newcomers to Ufouria are welcome too!
- Adventure in the lovingly crafted wacky world of Ufouria!
Familar characters and stages of the original game are back, transformed from their formal pixel art to charming handmade feltwork. Iron bead artwork also plays homage to the nostalgic pixelated look of the original.
Look for all the similarities and differences if you've played the original!
- Different courses each time you play!
The various stages from the original game now change randomly every time your enter, making for a fresh new challenge each time! New characters joining your crew let you reach more areas, even ones that weren't in the original game at all!
- Popoons are now a super powerful cleaning agent!
A new threat...the icky Bumyon makes an appearance! The troublesome Bumyon sticks to everything and everyone and is quite the annoyance, but Hebe and crews can counteract them perfectly with their Popoons. Clean up the Bumyons that litter the planet and thwart the Utsujin's evil plans!
*Visit the never before seen Hebe's house!
*Meet rare characters that were only ever seen before in Ufouria art books!
*A Collection feature lets you read up on enemies and their backgrounds!
This description was provided by the publisher.
What you need to know
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The use of an unauthorised device or software that enables technical modification of the Nintendo console or software may render this game unplayable.
This product contains technological protection measures.
Ufouria 2 ©2024 SUNSOFT. Published by Red Art Games. Developed by SUNSOFT.