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  • Hear expert fitness opinions at the Wii Fit website


    How good is your posture? Most of us have been told at some point to sit up straight in our chair or to stop slouching when we walk – but what do the experts have to say about maintaining proper posture?

    From today, you can watch at the official Wii Fit website a series of interviews with health and fitness experts. Dr. Klaus Pfeifer and Dr. Alfred Rütten from the Institute of Sports Science and Sport at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany talk about the positive effects of good posture and the importance of regular exercise.

    To watch the videos, select one of the three categories on the left hand side of the official website (Know Your Own Physique, Train Yourself or Keep Track of Your Progress), then mouse-over the animated Wii Balance Board and select Interviews and Insights from the menu.

    Click here to visit the official Wii Fit Website and watch the interviews.

    Wii Fit is in shops now, only on Wii.