Unable to Transfer a Supervised Nintendo Account
An issue occurs when transferring a supervised Nintendo Account from one admin to another.
Additional Information
- Supervised Nintendo Accounts (usually for children aged 15 and under) can be transferred from the admin of one family group to the admin of a different family group. Once transferred, the supervised account is part of the new family group.
- For information about the different roles in a family group, click here.
What to Do:
- Verify that the new admin (the Nintendo Account you are transferring supervised accounts TO) meets each of the following requirements:
- The new admin must be 18+ years old. If they are too young, they will need to transfer the admin role to a family group member aged 18+.
- The person receiving the supervised accounts must be the existing admin for their family group (OR not yet be part of a family group).
- All current roles in a family group are listed in the "family group" section of the Nintendo Account settings.
- If they are not the admin for their family group, you will need to either use the admin's e-mail address or have them transfer the admin role to the other person.
- The new admin's Nintendo Account country must be the same country as the supervised account(s).
- The new family group can only have 8 members total, including the new accounts being transferred in.
- If there are already 8 members in the family group, you will need to either remove members from the new family group, or transfer fewer supervised accounts.
- Make sure to follow these steps to transfer the supervised account(s).