Beginner Basics for Ring Fit Adventure Beginner Basics for Ring Fit Adventure

Getting stared with Adventure and Custom modes

Greetings, and thank you for stopping by! This is the editorial team of “GameWith,” a Japanese game information website.

This article is all about Ring Fit Adventure for Nintendo Switch and its Adventure and Custom modes.
If you're new to the game, or just haven't played in a while, this will help you get a firm grasp of the basics as you set out on your fitness adventure.

We also have an article about the best ways to build this game into your routine for long-lasting fitness. Be sure to check that out here.

How to play

This may be a little different from other games you've played, so let's start by going over the basic controls.
Ring Fit Adventure is a Fitness RPG where your body controls the action.
By fitting your Joy-Con controllers into the Ring-Con and Leg Strap provided, the game will be able to read the amount of strength and motion applied to various body parts such as your arms, legs, and stomach.

You'll want to begin any session by warming up. Follow the support character Tipp's example to get your body warmed up in a safe, gentle way.

Exercise tends to get more enjoyable as you do more of it, but you shouldn't push yourself too hard.
For those just starting out, try to limit each play session to about 30 minutes per day. Once you're used to that, you can extend it little by little until you find a pace that's right for you.

Adventure Mode: Getting started and progressing through the story

So, you're all warmed up and feeling good. What's next? Let's take a look at Adventure Mode!
In this mode, you'll use the power of fitness to explore your surroundings and defeat enemies. Together with your partner Ring, it's up to you to save the world from the dark dragon Dragaux!

Getting used to the controls

In Adventure Mode, each World is made up of several courses. You'll progress through the story by defeating the enemies that appear and completing these courses.

Once you're in a course, jog in place to move forward. If you're worried about making too much noise, you can switch your Exercise Mode from Default to Silent in the Settings menu to move by doing squats instead.

Squeezing the Ring-Con will fire a blast of air. Aim this at the ground to jump. Use this move to destroy or avoid obstacles in your path and make for the goal!

And that's not all! You can also pull the Ring-Con to suck in nearby gold and other treasure.

When you encounter enemies, you'll fight them using your Fit Skills.
Tipp will appear on the side of the screen to show you what to do for each skill. Copy their movements and follow Ring's advice and check if your posture is correct.

When you do a skill correctly, your character will glow, and a “Great!” message will appear when the attack lands. There's also an accompanying sound effect and controller vibration to let you know when you get it right. If your timing's a little off, or you use too much or too little strength, you'll get a “Good!” rating instead. This causes less damage, so try to aim for a “Great!” whenever you can.

Once it's the enemy's turn to attack, hold the Ring-Con over your stomach and squeeze it in to perform an Ab Guard. Remember to hold this pose until the enemy finishes their attack, or it'll break through your guard and deal more damage.

Earn experience and level up

Completing courses and defeating enemies will reward you with Exercise Points (EXP). When you collect enough EXP you'll level up, increasing your Attack and Defense and making it easier to take on tough foes.

Dynamic Stretching gives you 300 EXP per session. It's a great way to help you both warm up and level up!

There are three EXP Medals hiding in every course. Getting all three of them will give you an extra 500 EXP. Try tracking them down if you're looking for an extra challenge.

Once you get more comfortable with your workout routine, you can also perform extra actions like the Ring Press, Knee Lift, or Dash to earn more EXP than usual.

Other than Adventure Mode, you can also use Multitask Mode to earn EXP with just presses and pulls of the Ring-Con. Use this mode to work out while watching TV, listening to music, or doing other background activities.

Getting the most out of your Fit Skills

As you progress through your adventure, you'll collect more and more Fit Skills. There are over 40 in total, but you can only use a limited selection during a battle.

Choosing the right skills will help you take down enemies more efficiently, but it is also important to think about getting a balanced workout without putting too much stress on any one part of your body.

With these two points in mind, I'll give you some advice on how to pick the best Fit Skills.

Choosing Fit Skills to help you in battle

If you want to get an edge over your enemies, consider these points when setting up your Fit Skills:

  • ・Pick Fit Skills with high Attack power.
  • ・Pick at least one Fit Skill that can affect multiple enemies.
  • ・Pick Fit Skills with the recommended color for the course you're playing.

Using Fit Skills with high Attack power means you'll deal more damage and defeat enemies faster. Simple, right?

But there are also Fit Skills that can damage multiple enemies at once. They're not as strong as single-target skills, but they're a good way to deal with larger groups of enemies, so you should have at least one in your Skill Set just in case.

Fit Skills are divided into different colors depending on what part of your body you use for them.
After you beat World 2, you'll unlock the Color Coding ability. From then on, you'll deal extra damage against enemies the same color as the Fit Skill you're using.

From World 3 onwards, you'll see a Recommendation icon when you select a course, letting you know what kind of Fit Skills are most effective in it. Setting Fit Skills that are the same as the recommended color will help you get through battles a lot more smoothly.

Choosing Fit Skills for a balanced workout

When it comes to picking the right Fit Skills for a good workout, these are the points you should bear in mind:

  • ・Use a mixture of different colored Fit Skills to exercise different parts of your body.
  • ・Switch out your Fit Skills regularly.

Choose different Fit Skills to exercise different parts of your body - balance is the key.

You might have noticed that there's a different recommended color every couple of courses. That's no coincidence - it's to help you avoid training any one part of your body too much. So long as you keep using recommended colors, you can get a balanced workout just by playing normally.

Sometimes, you'll encounter a course with no recommended color. For courses like these, pick out a combination of different Fit Skills and get your whole body moving!

But remember, colors are only a general guide. Even Fit Skills with the same color can exercise different muscles. Getting a new Fit Skill can mean training a muscle you haven't worked on yet, so be sure to switch out your Fit Skills regularly.

Both of these are red Fit Skills, but they train completely different muscles

Keep experimenting with different Fit Skills and find combinations that work best for you.

Early Game Fit Skills

I've prepared some basic information about the Fit Skills you'll find early in the game. Use this list to help you put together your Skill Set.

Icon Skill Name Attack Power / Range Activity Level Tips
Standing Twist 20 / All Don't just move your arms - twist your whole upper body.
Chair Pose 30 / Single ★★ It's important to lower your waist properly with this pose. Grip the Ring-Con gently and move your arms up and down slowly.
Warrior I Pose 60 / Single ★★ Keep your feet firmly planted so you don't end up leaning forward or backward.
Front Press 25 / Up to 3 Targets ★★★ Lightly bend your knees, and put some strength into your thighs when you squeeze the Ring-Con.
Bow Pull 35 / All ★★★ Position the Ring-Con in front of the arm you're using to pull, not in front your chest.
Knee-to-Chest 30 / Single ★★★ Bring your knees right up to your chest while you exhale.
Knee Lift 50 / Single ★★★ Lift your knees in time with Ring's instructions and work up a good rhythm.
Overhead Press 30 / Single ★★★★ Bending your arms slightly will help you put more strength into the press. Keep your jaw still and level throughout.
Squat 30 / Single ★★★★ Keep your back straight and make sure your knees stay behind your feet.
Plank 50 / Up to 3 Targets ★★★★★ Inhale as you raise your bottom and hold your breath until it's time to go down again.

*Activity Level ratings are based on the GameWith editorial team's personal experience

Using the General Store

As you progress through your adventure, you'll start facing stronger enemies and more challenging battles. If you're struggling, I recommend using items to make things more manageable.

That's where the General Store comes in.

Change your Clothing to suit your needs

On the left side of the General Store, you'll find the Clothes Shop.
Clothing is divided into Tops, which increase your Attack, and Bottoms and Shoes, which boost your Defense.

Aside from buying Clothing from the General Store, you can also find it in treasure chests or get it as a reward for completing Requests.

The first two tops available cost the same and have the same effect. Just pick whichever one you like best!

Each Clothing item belongs to a certain Set. If your Top, Bottom, and Shoes are all from the same set, you'll get a Set Bonus.

If you're having trouble getting through battles, use sets that increase your Attack power, like Shadow Aurora or Flame Contender. These will make it easier to defeat enemies.

Sometimes, you'll have to Dash to escape enemies or keep doing Knee Lifts to get up slopes. For courses with obstacles like these, consider using sets like Splash Runner, which will make Dashing and Knee Lifts easier.

Drink Smoothies for extra effects

On the other sides of the General Store, you'll find the Drink Shop.
The Drink Shop sells Smoothies. Smoothies can bestow all kinds of beneficial effects. There are some that will recover your Hearts, others that will increase your Fit Skills' Attack power, and many more.

Throughout your adventure, you'll also discover Recipes and ingredients, allowing you to make your own Smoothies.

From World 3 onwards, you'll find the bosses getting a lot tougher, and you may start losing more Hearts than before. Super Spinach Smoothies are easy to make and recover a lot of Hearts, so it's a good idea to have some of these in reserve.

If you think you might get knocked out in the next turn, don't risk it - use a Smoothie to recover! In the early stage of the game, we recommend healing whenever you have less than two Hearts remaining.

Custom Mode: Setting targets and working out your way

That just about does it for Adventure Mode, but what about Custom Mode?
This mode allows you to choose from over 60 different exercises and string them together into customized Fitness Lists, giving you even more control over your workout.

Open up the Recommended tab, and you'll find routines containing a random selection of exercises geared toward training a certain body part, like the Upper Arms Set or Back Set.
There are also tabs for training specific body parts, like Arms and Stomach, along with other activities, including Yoga, Jogging, and even a Rhythm Game.

If you're not quite sure where to start, don't worry - we've got you covered. Here are some tips to help assemble a Fitness List that's perfect for you.

Start with a list of lighter exercises

If you're not used to working out yet, I recommend getting a grasp of the basics with low-impact routines while you build up your confidence.

Yoga is a great place to start - it's not too intense, and helps you become more aware of your breathing and balance.

Jogging is a good choice, too. It shows you the Estimated Exercise Load of each course, so you can get a better idea of how much activity you're in for.

You can also adjust the frequency and difficulty of an exercise included in your list. Start off slow, and build up to more over time!

Use Minigames and the Rhythm Game to keep up your motivation

It can be hard to keep yourself motivated if you do nothing but the same routines day after day. Custom Mode's Minigames and Rhythm Game are a great way to spice up your Fitness List.

Let's say your list contains 10 exercise sets. Inserting a Minigame or Rhythm Game section every three sets will help keep things fun and varied.

Minigames and the Rhythm Game also give you a score at the end. That's one more reason to keep coming back to your workout - trying to beat your personal best!

Make a list for each body part you want to train

If there's a particular set of muscles you want to train more than others, it's a good idea to make an entire list geared toward that body part.
For example, if one of your fitness goals is to get a more toned stomach, you can put together a list that goes above and beyond to exercise your abdominal muscles.

And if you've got several areas you want to work on, you can make a list for each and alternate between them day by day.

Final thoughts

This concludes our look at Ring Fit Adventure, our tips for getting started with Adventure Mode, and how to work toward your fitness goals in Custom Mode.

This title does a great job of making exercise fun, but the most important thing is knowing your limits and easing into a consistent pace over time.

If you can get a handle on that, Ring Fit Adventure could be just what you need to lay the foundations for a happier, healthier lifestyle!