Beginner Basics for Ring Fit Adventure Beginner Basics for Ring Fit Adventure

Tips for long-lasting fitness

Greetings, and thank you for stopping by! This is the editorial team of “GameWith,” a Japanese game information website.

This time, I'll be taking a look at Ring Fit Adventure for Nintendo Switch, its different modes, and how to build the game into your routine for more effective, longer-lasting fitness.

These are the most effective strategies I've been able to find, having played the game regularly since it was first released. Whether you're new to Ring Fit Adventure or just haven't played in a while, you're sure to find something to help you on your fitness adventure!

Available modes and the best ways to play

Ring Fit Adventure is a fitness game that uses the Ring-Con and Leg Strap accessories (included with the game) to track your body's movements.
There are several modes to suit a range of play styles, so let's start with a quick overview of what each mode is all about.


In this mode, you team up with Ring to save the world from the dark dragon Dragaux.

You'll move your body into different poses to defeat enemies, defend against attacks, and explore the world. As your character grows, you'll start to see results in real life, too!

Quick Play

Quick Play features specialized exercise routines, such as the Aerobic, Abs, and Posture sets.
If you're looking for quick training sessions to get your body moving and help you work toward specific goals, this is the mode for you.


In this mode, you can pick from over 60 exercises and combine them into your own customized Fitness List.
With a wide array of options, it's ideal for when you want more control over your workout.

Multitask Mode

Sometimes, you're not in the mood for a full play session, and that's okay. If you want to relax or watch TV while still getting a little bit of exercise, look no further than Multitask Mode.
In this mode, you can use the Ring-Con to do some light exercises without even turning on the game. The Joy-Con (R) will keep track of the number of push-pull reps you do, and convert these to EXP and Gold for Adventure mode.

Rhythm Game

If you feel like a change of pace, grab your Ring-Con and move in time with the music in this mode.
The available tracks include original Ring Fit Adventure compositions, plus music from other Nintendo games, like Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
This mode is fun to play on your own, but is also a blast with family and friends.

Tips to keep playing for longer

Ring Fit Adventure has no shortage of ways to make exercise fun, but the hardest part for a lot of people is sticking with it.
And isn't it just so frustrating to have the Ring-Con gathering dust in the corner as a reminder of what might have been?
With that in mind, here are some tips to help you stay motivated and make your workouts more consistent.

Prepare your workout space in advance

You should be able to start your workout with a minimum of preparation - it'll only feel like a chore if you have to tidy up or move furniture around before each session.

Make sure you have enough space to move around in front of your TV so you can jump right in whenever you're in the mood to play.
To use my own setup as an example, I use an exercise mat in my workouts. I always lay it in the same place, and I try to keep that space as clear as possible throughout the day.

Don't be afraid to take the difficulty level down a notch

One of the keys to more consistent workouts is not putting too much strain on your body.
In Adventure Mode, you can adjust the difficulty level of actions controlled by the Ring-Con for a less intense experience.
There's no shame in going down to a lower setting - if you're not used to working out, it can drain your stamina faster than you think and might make it harder to keep going.
When you're starting out, try to find a level of physical activity that feels just right, then go a little lower than that. You may not feel it at first, but this will help your body adjust to your new routine without getting too tired.

If you really feel like you're not getting enough out of a workout though, you can change the settings at any time. Listen to your body and make adjustments accordingly.

Set aside regular times to work out

It can be tempting to put off exercise for another time, especially when you're busy. Setting aside certain times to work out can help with this.

Try arranging workout sessions at different times during the week and on weekends, or at times you're less likely to be disturbed. If you can tailor your fitness routine around your lifestyle, your workouts will feel like part of a structured schedule, and you'll be more likely to stick with them.
You can set your Joy-Con (R) to light up and vibrate at certain times via the Alarm Settings. This way, you'll have a reminder ready even if you want to exercise at different times on different days.

If something comes up and you're unable to get in a workout as planned, try to find other ways to get your body moving. For example, you can do push-pull reps with your Ring-Con in Multitask Mode while doing other things. Even light activity like this can help you keep up the habit of exercising.

If you have clear goals such as keeping in shape, try setting quantifiable targets

For those of you who have a clear goal, it might be easier to stay motivated if you are able to track your progress with numerical data.

Ring Fit Adventure's Exercise Log keeps a daily record of your activity, such as how many calories you've burned or the total distance you've traveled. If you set a target like burning a certain number of calories per day to maintain your current body shape, you can use this record to keep track of your progress.

In addition to checking the Exercise Log, it would also be helpful to check the changes in body weight and body fat percentage to better notice the effects of daily exercise.

My personal tips for making Ring Fit Adventure a part of your routine

The tips I've given so far should give you a general idea of how to keep working out consistently as time goes on. Even so, finding time for exercise and motivating yourself to keep at it can be hard.
There may be some of you who have tried many things to keep playing on a regular basis, but just couldn't keep it up.
So let's delve a little deeper with four things that helped me stick with my new exercise routine, even with work and a family to take care of.

1. When you're finished playing another game, load this one up right away to make working out a routine

Do you ever finish playing a game and find yourself wanting to stretch, shrug your shoulders around, or otherwise get your body moving?

I like to launch Ring Fit Adventure as soon as I'm done with another game, because I can take that urge to exercise and run with it without being too conscious that I am exercising, which allows me to make working out a routine.
Not only does this allow you to move around at the end of a gaming session and stop your body getting too stiff or tired, but it's also an excuse to keep playing that little bit longer, which is a plus!

This is even easier if you're using the digital version of the game.

2. Use the game to give yourself a change of pace before work or during breaks

In the last few years, more of us have started working remotely than ever before. I am sure there are some people out there who wake up and don’t even have to leave their home in order to start work.

I've found it useful to work out during the half hour that used to be my morning commute. You might say I found a gap in my existing routine that the game could fit into smoothly and naturally.
Getting some exercise before you start work will make you feel refreshed and invigorated too, and it can even improve your focus.

Try to find little gaps in your own routine - between video calls, for example, or while the kids are taking a nap. Even if you can only spare a few minutes, it will all help you feel healthier in the long run.

3. Set yourself achievable targets, and rewards to go with them!

Have you ever worked hard to get a good report card or score high on a test at school, just because you wanted to get a reward? Why not do the same thing for sticking to your workout?

I like to give myself little rewards when I reach certain milestones to keep myself motivated.
As always, it's important to make your goals realistic and measurable. Here's an example of the kind of rewards I've set for myself.

  • My reward list
  • ・Play for more than 15 minutes in a day → Eat some of my favorite candy
  • ・Complete World 3 → Buy that new workout outfit I've had my eye on
  • ・Play for a total of 30 days → Buy a new game
  • ・Do a total of 5,000 squats → Get my eyelashes done

As you can see, they're arranged so that one reward builds toward the next, little by little. This can give you a real sense of progress and make you less likely to give up partway through.

4. Find friends who are also training, and motivate each other

If you're having trouble motivating yourself, just remember - you don't have to do this alone.

I started off playing Ring Fit Adventure on my own, but as time went on, my family started to take an interest in it as well.
Now we watch each other play, give each other advice, and take turns with minigames when we want to unwind. With everyone cheering each other on, the whole experience feels a lot more fun and more sustainable.

And you don't have to limit yourself to people you see in person, either. You can use the game's online functions to view Everyone's Records, which allows you to view records of your friends as well as people born in the same year as you from all over the world, or compare results and strategies on social media. By doing these things, you might find other people who will help you on your fitness journey!

*Online functions require a paid subscription to the Nintendo Switch Online service.

Final thoughts

I hope this article has given you a better idea of how to get more out of Ring Fit Adventure and stick with your workout routine for longer.

Above all, it's important to find a play style that works for you and ease into a consistent pace over time.
If you can get a handle on that, this game might just pave the way for a happier, healthier lifestyle!