You Walk into A Tavern…

…and get to work! You are the owner of the Wayfarer’s Inn, a popular watering hole in the fantasy land of Asteria.

But you’re no ordinary barkeep. Be it a potion of seething fury or prancing swords, the drinks you serve can change your customer’s destiny forever. You can also turn the rumours you hear at work into intrepid quests for your patrons!

Befriend a colourful cast of adventurers as they brag about their latest triumph – or commiserate an utter failure. Whether it’s relaxation or a fresh thrill, you’re on hand to give each patron what they need.

Beyond the walls of this cosy tavern, a world-threatening danger is brewing. Every quest, rumour and conversation is intertwined with the ultimate fate of the land.

Find Your Family:

The Wayfarer's Inn is a safe haven to a colourful cast of characters inspired by TTRPGs. Get to know their unique personalities, and help them find a place that feels like home.

Brew Up A Storm:

Serve an ever-growing menu of magical drinks to your patrons, but choose carefully, as your choice will alter their fates.

Whip Up Some Quests:

Gather rumours from the tavern-goers and use them to create quests for your adventurous guests.

Connect the Dots:

Piece together the fragments in your little study and uncover the secrets of an ancient evil threatening the land.

Cherish the Space:

As adventurers return from their mighty quests, they’ll bring back trinkets you can use to decorate your tavern. Your choices shape the snug interior of the Wayfarer’s Inn!

Page localized by LocQuest

Content Warning:

Like in every good Pen & Paper campaign, Tavern Talk touches topics that may hit right in the feels. Please be aware that there will be mentions of death, grief and violence.

Deze omschrijving is afkomstig van de uitgever.

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Avonturenspel, Simulatie


Eén spelsysteem (1)


Gentle Troll Entertainment

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Nintendo Switch-downloadsoftware


Nintendo Switch





Compatibele controllers

  • Nintendo Switch-Pro-controller


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