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  • Play the April fool in Animal Crossing: Let’s Go to the City


    Everyone likes a good prank - unless it’s on you, of course.  Life in Animal Crossing: Let’s Go to the City for Wii reflects events in the real world, so don’t be surprised if things get a little funny around town tomorrow (it’s April Fools’ Day, in case you’d forgotten).

    If you don’t mind being the butt of a joke, one local critter you’ll definitely want to catch up with is Tortimer. Between 6 a.m. and 12 a.m., the old fellow will gladly enjoy a good chuckle at your expense. Who knows, maybe he’ll even reward you for being such a good sport.

    As well as enjoying the joviality of April Fools’ Day, the next few days also afford you the chance to extend birthday wishes to Eunice (3 April) and Buck (6 April). Spread a little community cheer and pay them a visit. After all, it’s nice to be nice.

    Eunice.jpg Buck.jpg

    Hang around town or visit the big city In Animal Crossing: Let’s Go to the City for Wii.