No sound from the speakers
Support | New Nintendo 2DS XL, New Nintendo 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo 2DS, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL
Please check the following, if possible:
Are headphones connected to your Nintendo 3DS system?
- If yes, please remove the headphones as no sound can be emitted from the speakers if the headphones are connected.
- If not, is the volume of your Nintendo 3DS system turned up?
- If yes, please test if the error only occurs with one or more specific software titles.
Does this issue occur with several software titles?
- If yes, your Nintendo 3DS is faulty. Click here for detailed information on repairs of Nintendo products.
- If not, please go to the options menu of the affected software to check if the volume can be adjusted or switched on or off.
Did this solve your problem?
- If not, the software is faulty.
Who published the faulty software in the UK / Ireland?
→ For information about the publisher, please refer to the contact details in the software manual.
- If it was Nintendo, click here for detailed information on repairs of Nintendo products.
- If it was a different publisher, please contact the publisher directly.
- If you don't know, please contact our Nintendo Service Centre for information about publishers of the software.