Error Message: This Suspend Point is Broken
- The following message is displayed on the screen (Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System and Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System): “This suspend point is not usable. Please delete the suspend point from the suspend point list.”
- An error message prefix is received: C6.
What to Do:
- If the option is available, press “OK”.
- If the error is still being displayed, power off the console, wait for a few seconds, and then power it back on.
- Delete the suspend point you were trying to load.
- Start the game from the Game List and attempt to save your game progress to a new suspend point.
- If the error message is displayed infrequently, it doesn’t necessarily indicate that there is a problem with the console. Continue to use the console as usual.
- If the problem occurs frequently, skip to Situation Not Resolved.
Situation Not Resolved:
If the issue persists, the console will need to be repaired.
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