Monster Scouts are famed for their talent at training monsters - they tame wild beasts and assemble teams of amazing creatures, which they then send into ferocious, raging battles against other Monster Scout teams. The most courageous commanders of critters meet every year in the Monster Scout Challenge, where they battle for the honour of becoming world champion.
Just getting to the Monster Arena where the event takes place is difficult enough though: only the very best get to go, and securing passage on an airship is tricky at best. Our hero - a young Monster Scout desperate to take part in the championship - stows away on the Albatross, an airship bound for the Monster Arena. Unfortunately, fate has other plans for the ship, and it’s pulled off course by a terrific storm to crash on an unknown island...
The island is a dangerous place, full of exotic, never-before-seen monsters ripe for scouting. More importantly though, the Albatross’ passengers have been scattered across the island - there’s nothing for our hero to do but take charge, track them down and find a way to escape the enigmatic island!
This ambitious young chap (with ultra-impressive haircut) is the hero of our adventure. Driven and determined in his quest to become the top Monster Scout, this guy won’t stop ‘til he makes it big!
Get online via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and you can participate in the World Monster Championship. In this worldwide event, you’ll get to battle people from all over the globe, much like in the Monster Scout Challenge in the game!
The championships run weekly, starting on Monday and ending on Sunday.
Action, RPG
Multiplayer mode
1 - 8
Square Enix
Armor Project/Bird Studio
Age rating
Nintendo DS
Release date
Age rating
English, German, French, Spanish, Italian