Can you imagine learning mathematics just by playing a video game? Think about how useful this could be for your children and even yourself. You’ll be surprised just how easy and how much fun it is to refresh your mathematics skills!
You accomplish this using The Hundred Cell Calculation Method. To be effective, this method requires you to practice regularly, record your times to keep track of your progress and gradually increase the difficulty of the problems you solve.
The Hundred Cell Calculation Method is a teaching method used across Japan to help students learn fundamental arithmetic calculations. It's a very simple learning method which involves adding, subtracting or multiplying the numbers along the sides of a 10 x 10 grid and placing those answers in each of the 100 cells that make up that grid.
This is an example of a Multiplication exercise in a 10 x 10 grid. Your goal is to multiply the numbers on the left with the numbers at the top and then note down the answer on the Touch Screen. In this case, 8 x 2 = 16 is the correct answer.
Want to sharpen your maths skills? All it takes is 10 minutes a day, and because it’s so much fun, you’ll keep coming back for more!
The Daily Test presents you with three exercises chosen to match your current level of study. You can only complete the test once per day. If you take the test every day and gain good marks, you will be able to move up to the next level. If you seem to require a little more practice, then you will be given the same exercises the next day (although the questions asked will be different). In total, there are 20 levels of study.
When you first begin an exercise, your goal is simply to answer all the questions correctly and obtain a gold medal. Your next goal should be to answer all the questions correctly and quickly. The most important thing is to always continue to improve!
After the Daily Test, the second main option in the software is Kageyama Method, which lets you practice 100 Cell Maths (a grid of addition, subtraction, or multiplication problems) or Division Marathon (a series of basic division problems).
Here you can also choose whether to Study Alone or Study Together with up to 15 other people. For more information on Study Together, please refer to 'Multiplayer Maths' in the menu on the left of this web page.
100 Cell Maths
When you select 100 Cell Maths, you can choose the type of calculation you want to practice, the number of problems you want to complete, and whether you want to keep practising the same questions or a random set every time you play.
Division Marathon
This section offers a total of 450 division exercises separated into three difficulty types. 'Easy' covers problems without a remainder, 'Normal' covers problems with a remainder and 'Hard' covers division problems that require carrying to work out the remainder.
The third main option in the software's menu is called Practice Exercises, offering 40 different types of maths problems like you encounter in the Daily Test.
This mode is perfect for focusing on calculation techniques such as carrying or borrowing, for memorising multiplication tables, for reviewing what you have learned in school, or to work on any weak points that you may have.
Here are some examples of the exercises you will encounter:
Sentence Sums (Level 2)
This training teaches how to combine and break numbers down, which is a fundamental aspect of addition and subtraction.
Ladder Subtraction (Level 12 to Level 14)
In this exercise you will start with a number that is 10 times its original self. You will then subtract that original number from the starting number 9 times until you end up with the original number.
Missing Number Addition (Level 13)
This exercise consists of problems such as "A + () = C" or "A + B = ()". It's your job to find the missing number that will solve the equation.
Thanks to the wireless functionality of the DS, you can test your maths skills with up to 15 friends. Each player needs a Nintendo DS of their own, but only one copy of Maths Training is required for everyone to play together.
Multiplayer mode
1 - 16
Age rating
Nintendo DS
Release date
May 2009
Age rating
English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian