Error code 003-1101
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What does this error code mean?
This error code indicates one of the following: that your device may not be connected to internet properly, that your network may be currently unstable, or that there is a server issue.
What can I do?
If you are using a public network, this could be the cause of your issue and in some cases it might be difficult to fix it without contacting the network administrator. If you are using a secure/personal network, please try the following before contacting Customer Support.
If you’re unsure about following the instructions, please ask a friend or family member to help you.
1. Enter SSID/Security Key correctly
- First, check if other devices (cell phone, tablet, PC, etc.) using the same access point have a stable internet connection, and ensure there are no obstacles between the access point and your Nintendo 3DS family system.
- Check if the SSID (name of your network) and Security Key (main Wi-Fi password) are entered into your Nintendo 3DS family system correctly. The default SSID and the Security Key (which could go under a different name, such as Network Key or Password) may be found on a sticker on the side or bottom or your router.
How to:

From the HOME Menu, go to System Settings > Internet Settings > Connection Settings > New Connection > Manual Setup > Search for Access Point. Then select the name of your wireless access point, input the security key, then tap OK.
2. Port Forwarding
a) First, please make sure that an IP address is manually assigned to your Nintendo 3DS family system before setting up port forwarding.
b) Log in to your router’s setup page.
c) Find “Port Forwarding”. It depends on the router, but you’ll probably find it under the categories such as Security, Application, Firewall or Gaming, etc.
d) Enter required information:
[Ports] 442 - 445 and 28000 - 29500
[UDP] Allow traffic to all addresses. This is necessary for the peer-to-peer connection during the game (Ports 1 - 65000)
e) Enter the IP address of your Nintendo 3DS family system, and save the changes
If the solutions suggested above don’t solve your issue, please Contact Us with the following information:
- Name of your internet service provider.
- Model and brand of your router.
- Serial number of your Nintendo 3DS family system: depending on the system that you own, this may be on the back of the system, underneath the battery, on a sticker near the battery, or underneath one of the cover plates.