

Fight Together, Grow Together


Go off to fight in battles and command your allies.
The performance of your allies, each with different abilities, all depends on you.

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  • Battle Basics
  • Fighting alongside the Emblems
  • The Power of Bonds

Battle Basics


Turn-Based Battle

Turn-based battles take place on battle maps overlaid with a grid.
When it's your turn, you select the moves that your allies will make. Once you're done, it's the enemy's turn.

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Plan around Your Enemies' Weaknesses

It's important to consider the different strengths and weaknesses of each class. As an example, flying units easily fall to bows.
Even very powerful characters can be at a disadvantage in a bad matchup, so be sure to plan ahead.

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Fighting alongside the Emblems


Syncing with the Emblems

When a unit equips an Emblem Ring, that unit can sync with the Emblem residing within it and fight together with them on the battlefield.
While synced, the unit can use sync skills unique to each Emblem.

Fight using Sync Skills unique to each Emblem

Such as...

  • Marth Perceptive Marth Perceptive
  • Sigurd Canter Sigurd Canter
  • Lyn Alacrity Lyn Alacrity
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Improves evasion against enemy counterattacks.

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Makes an additional move after attacking.

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Performs a secondary attack that interrupts the enemy's counterattack when Lyn's speed greatly exceeds the enemy's.


Engage with the Emblems

When a unit and an Emblem "engage," they temporarily fuse together.
While engaged, you'll be able to use special weapons and skills as well as devastating techniques known as engage attacks.
The Engage status only lasts for three turns, so keep an eye on the situation and use each one wisely.

Fight with engage attacks unique to each Emblem

Such as...

  • Marth Lodestar Rush Marth Lodestar Rush
  • Sigurd Override Sigurd Override
  • Lyn Astra Storm Lyn Astra Storm
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Unleashes a blinding series of attacks causing great damage.

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Runs through a line of foes, dealing damage along the way.

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Unleashes five consecutive attacks on a foe from a great distance.

The Power of Bonds

As you win battles, bonds between units and the Emblems are formed.
These bonds inspire them to ever greater feats on the battlefield and even bolster the allies' abilities.

Bond strength is indicated by Support Level and Bond Level
  • The strength of the bond between allies is indicated by the support level

    Increasing support points to a certain level by fighting side by side, healing each other and training together at your base will allow you to view special dialogs known as support conversations, which raise the support level even further.

  • The strength of the bond with Emblems is indicated by the bond level

    Increase bond EXP by fighting alongside Emblems and training with them at your base.

    • * Increasing the bond level will allow you to view special dialogs known as bond conversations.

Bond with allies to increase your strength

When allies with a high support level are fighting side by side, they will gain a temporary support bonus that enhances their ability.
The higher the support level between allies, the higher the support bonus will be,
so be sure to actively strengthen those bonds to gain every advantage in battle.

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Stronger with Emblem Bonds

Increasing a bond level with an Emblem not only allows you to acquire new skills (sync skills),
but it also boosts the abilities of the ally wearing that Emblem's ring. Allies only benefit from these bonuses while they have the ring equipped.
*Unequipping a ring will not cause your bond level to reset.

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